Confidence: Page 9
7 Hand Gestures to Get People to Listen to You (Infographic)
When public speaking, stop focusing so much on your voice and pay attention to your hands.
7 Ways Younger Entrepreneurs Can Be Taken More Seriously
The new and unproven businessperson must develop credibility with investors and employees, suppliers and customers.
Dealing With Low Confidence? Learn the Art of Giving Advice
Giving advice is one of the most important traits of a leader but nobody thought it could be used to their advantage
It's Time to Reclaim Your Creative Confidence
Creative confidence is about believing in your ability to create change in the world around you.
3 Things Every Female Leader Should Know About Being Confident in Her Pursuit of Success
'Weird in a World That's Not: A Career Guide for Misfits, F*ckups, and Failures' author Jennifer Romolini shares her top tips for boldly forging ahead.
15 Traits of Unstoppable People
Unstoppable people keep their inner fires burning by developing the characteristics necessary to become successful.
How to Boost Your Confidence, Even When You're the Only Woman in the Room
No matter what industry you're in, confidence is absolutely key.
10 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Quickly, According to Science
From talking to yourself to taking a selfie, check out these research-backed hacks to boost your self-esteem.
Children, Canines or Felines Interrupting Your Interview? 4 Pros Demonstrate How to Keep Your Cool.
Social media is all over several hilarious interruptions during recent TV news shows. Here's how the 'victims' handled it.
How the Founder of This Multimillion-Dollar Food Brand Found the Confidence to Be CEO
Cauli'flour Foods founder Amy Lacey shares how she stopped making decisions out of fear.
5 Belief Shifts That Will Take You From Stagnating to Soaring
Don't let your negative beliefs hold you back.
It's Time for Women to Stop Apologizing So Much
Save your 'sorries' for a rainy day.
Tips for Mastering Body Language and Confidence
There are two things that can make or break you when it comes to achieving greatness: your body language and your confidence.
10 Fantasies Vs. Realities of Entrepreneurship
Life of a businessman may look glossy but it is full of hardships,let's have an insight view of it
Sweeten Founder Shares How She Rises to Meet Every New Learning Curve With Confidence
'You have to accept that you're the type of person that likes the challenge. When you make that switch, it's game on,' says Jean Brownhill.