Congress: Page 2

News and Trends

Looks Like Congress is Finally Making a Comeback with 3 New Chief Ministers

The recent appointments in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chattisgarh saw some new faces and some old ones in the spotlight yet again!

News and Trends

The Man Who Predicted 2014 Indian Election Reveals Who Will Take The Throne In 2019

He is also the same man who predicted results of 2016 United States polls and recently held Punjab and Uttar Pradesh elections

Thought Leaders

The International Entrepreneur Rule Wasn't Perfect, but the Trump Administration Killing It Sends the Wrong Message, Experts Say

The program was enacted to allow more entrepreneurs to immigrate to the U.S. to launch their businesses.

Social Media

The Biggest Revelations and Strangest Moments From Mark Zuckerberg's Congressional Testimony

Here's what you need to know after the Facebook co-founder and CEO's visit to Washington.

Social Media

Here's What Mark Zuckerberg's Testimony Could Mean for the Future of Facebook (and How to Watch It Live)

Six concrete takeaways from the Facebook CEO's testimony before Congress.

Social Media

Mark Zuckerberg Has Been Doing Extensive Prep for His Congressional Hearing. Here's What to Expect.

How the Facebook co-founder and CEO likely prepared, what he'll say and what it could mean for future regulations.

Business News

Net Neutrality Ends in April, Unless Congress Acts

Opponents of the FCC's order are planning to fight back in court. Democrats are also trying to reverse the repeal in Congress.

Business News

Companies in the Crosshairs?

From healthcare and taxes to cyber security and product safety, here's your tip sheet on what the election results could mean for corporate America.


Startup Employees Soon Could See Greater Benefits From Stock Options

Proposed changes to the tax code will protect employees from the very real risk of having to pay taxes on stocks they can't sell.


Voting Is A Right, Exercise It Wisely

While the presidential race captures headlines, congressional contests and local ballot initiatives affect you, your business and your community.

Business News

Congress: Is Pokémon Go Catching All Your Mobile Data?

Congress wants to know if Niantic is ensuring that Pokemon Go players don't burn through their data.


House Passes 2 Bills Aimed at Making It Easier for Entrepreneurs to Get Access to Cash

Both bills sailed through Congress last night with strong bipartisan support, a rare sighting in the current political climate.

Business News

Senate Committee Seeks Answers From Zuckerberg Over News Selection

'Facebook must answer these serious allegations and hold those responsible to account,' senator writes in letter.