Corporate Taxes: Page 2

News and Trends

Union Budget 2017 : How's it Set to Impact These #5 Key Domains in India

With the Start-up initiative at the fore, we can see a new set of concessions on employee stock options, unlisted securities and convertible instruments.

Growing a Business

5 Tips for Making Family Vacations Deductible

Legally write off all or part of your family trip by using these simple steps.

Business News

European Union to Probe McDonald's Tax Deals With Luxembourg

The EU competition enforcer said McDonald's had not paid any corporate taxes in Luxembourg or the U.S. on royalties paid by franchisees in Europe and Russia since 2009.


How a Business Owner Won Back $102,000 From the IRS

You may be able to do the same thing. Just make sure you get the right advice.

Starting a Business

First-Time Business Owners: A Brief Guide to Tax Filings

As a new business owner, you may be confused about what you owe in business taxes the first year out. Read this guide to get it done right.

Business News

6 Business Issues That Could Shape the Political Debate in 2015

A breakdown of the major issues that will likely be at the center of the debate as the next presidential campaign ramps up.

Money & Finance

States With the Lowest Corporate Income Tax Rates (Infographic)

The nation's most tax-friendly states for business owners include Nevada, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Resumes & Interviewing

Why Overseas Job Creation Is Good for U.S. Workers

Rather than robbing jobs, increased growth overseas actually helps companies domestically, which is good for both employees and investors.