Criticism: Page 2
Want Brutally Honest Feedback From Employees? Here's How These 6 Entrepreneurs Get It.
It's tough being the boss, and no one is perfect. Here's how your team can help you be better.
5 Unexpected Millionaire Habits
High-achieving individuals work to become stronger, more knowledgeable and more well-rounded over time.
Are You Brave Enough to Listen to Constructive Criticism?
Not every negative comment is wrong.
Build the Business You Want Because Nobody Is Going to Pay Your Bills
The only critics you really need to listen to you are your customers. If they have no complaints, ignore everyone who does.
Take the Sting Out of Constructive Criticism With These Helpful Tips
Move past feelings of anger or despondency as quickly as you can.
How Can Entrepreneurs Handle Rejection
Instead of being dejected because of a rejection, entrepreneurs should know how to handle it well
The Importance of Candor and Other Lessons From a Former White House Chief of Staff
Structuring an environment that ensures trust among team members and then defending its integrity amid high-stakes workplace intrigue are leadership skills all founders need.
Ignorance Is Not Bliss: How Successful Business Leaders Deal With Information Overload
Everyone is hit by an avalanche of information everyday. The desire to tune it out is natural but has to be resisted.
If You Think Success Is Nothing But Fun You Need to Understand This About Critics
Success needs to be its own reward because, guaranteed, not everybody is going to love you.
How Brands Can Handle a Social Media Goof Up?
Every company needs to have an action plan to get out of a difficult situation, especially in terms of a social media goof up these days.
Why Should Founders Deal With Critics in a Positive Manner
Emotions get involved and entrepreneurs often end up writing off those critics
#3 Key Tips to Handle Negative Feedback on Social Media
Realising the importance of customer feedback is something even big brands tend to miss.
3 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Take from Hollywood's War on Rotten Tomatoes
No matter how established your company might be, criticism still stings. Instead of plugging your ears and tuning out critics, use reviews as a direct pipeline for feedback.
Jimmy Kimmel Struck Back at a Detractor on Social Media -- Should You?
Just because entrepreneurs have social media at their disposal doesn't always mean they should use it.
Respect People's Right to Review Your Company Online, Even When There's Bitching Involved.
"Asking if a company has ever had a bad review online is like asking if someone's ever been on a bad date," said one president.