Employee Management: Page 8

Women Entrepreneur®

How to Implement Fair Retrenchments

Retrenching staff is one of the hardest professional things a business owner will probably ever have to do. Labour specialist Jennifer Da Mata explains why companies decide to retrench, and how the process can be completed in a fair and professional manner.


Follow-up Is the Secret to Effective Delegation

A key leadership skill is walking that fine line between checking back and micromanaging.


5 Tips on Managing an All-Millennial Office (From a Millennial CEO)

Better position your business as a place millennials not only start, but grow their careers.


The 5 Habits of Successful Employee Management

Make life easier on your employees, and they'll make life easier for you.

Growing a Business

How Small Companies Can Cultivate Homegrown Senior Development Talent

Follow these steps to create a better pipeline of tech talent that's ready to tackle the problems we need solved.


4 Reasons Your People Can't Manage Themselves

Hiring good people is just the first step. You need to manage relationships with employees continuously in order to reap the benefits they bring.


Ditch Annual Appraisals: Continuous Performance Management Is The Way Forward

It appears that HR executives, CEOs, and managers the world over have come to realize that in order for performance management to be effective, it needs to be continuous and agile.


4 Ways Your Business Can Prevent the 'Tragedy of the Commons'

An 'It's not my responsibility' mentality can devastate your business.


Being a Trusted Leader: What You Need to Know As Your Company Grows

The first step is to avoid any "us. vs. them" mentality.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Encourage an Ownership Mindset in Your Employees

Your company grows by leaps when you get buy-in from team members and help them see their potential to lead from within.


Employee Retention : Why it Remains a Daunting Task at Startups

Millennials are also a very productive generation. There are also those do stay on a little longer do so because they see their purpose aligned with the company goals


Employee Motivation Has to Be More Than 'a Pat on the Back'

Accountability leads to ownership, which improves the connection between employees and their work.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

7 Signs Your Employees Are Unhappy and What to Do About It

Are your workers "reaching for the minimum"? Clock-watching? Fidgeting? Those are all clues.


What Happened to Engagement? Here's Why Employees Are Bored at Work.

Investigate what individuals want to learn, and align them with special tasks that will support their interests.


4 Keys to Mastering the Art of Delegation

Aim to make yourself dispensable when running your business.