Empowerment: Page 2


7 Tips that Empower You to Manage the Best and Worst of Times

Here are seven tips to help you manage the ever-changing emotions of entrepreneurship.

Growth Strategies

Advancing With Agility: Nadia Al Saeed, CEO, Bank Al Etihad

The CEO of Bank al Etihad, who was recently elected to be the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Endeavor Jordan, is eager to help boost her country's startup ecosystem.


5 Truths About Employee Engagement That No One Wants to Hear

When you can accept these truths, you can create a culture of sustainable success.


The Top 5 Leadership Soft Skills You Need to Empower Your Team

The leadership traits that will inspire your workforce to do their best work.

Thought Leaders

"As a Black Female Founder, I Know Times Are Hard. Here's How I Push Forward."

As the founder and CEO of The Honey Pot, Beatrice Dixon has been the target of racism. But she's found a way to see opportunity in difficult times and embrace her own power.

Thought Leaders

Crimcheck CEO Tom Shieh on the Importance of Being the Chief 'Empowerment' Officer

Great leadership is about creating more leaders, says the veteran entrepreneur.


How to Empower Your Employees to Be More Customer-Centric

A five-step plan for ensuring teams take the reins on consumer relationships.


Branding Expert Rey Perez on Empowering Others and His Life's Mission to Be a 'Kingmaker'

Thoughts equal beliefs; beliefs equal actions; actions equal results, he says.


Embrace the Full Value of Your Life

The late Claire Wineland is a constant reminder that we are more than our professional selves.

Science & Technology

VR is Incredibly Empowering for Working Women

Virtual technology can help create a more equal reality.


Are You a Manager or a Leader? How to Know, How to Evolve

Leaders are change agents. Like managers, they need the emotional intelligence to connect and empower people, but it's leaders who focus the team on the bigger picture and priorities


How A Leader Can Build A Team of Leaders

"The Sage is self-effacing and scanty of words, when his task is accomplished and things have been completed, All the people say, 'We ourselves have achieved it!' "


How to Transform SMEs into Digitally Empowered Businesses?

The challenges traditional businesses come across while seeking funds


We Need to Talk About Gender Equality, Now

It's not just about having more women in the workplace. It's about having people with diverse background and talents


How Women Can Help Boost Global Economy By $6 Trillion

If countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development caught up to Sweden's female employment rate, they would see huge financial gains, says PwC research