Entrepreneur Voices: Page 2
12 Key Strategies to a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
Crowdfunding has witnessed some spectacular fails. Don't let your project be one of them.
From Backers to Buyers: How Kickstarter Helped Me Launch a Product the Traditional Way
Here are five things I learned from crowdfunding that prepared me to take the leap.
What Are VCs Really Trying to Say? Here Are 3 Common Conversations Translated For You.
Use these translations to decode the three most common messages to understand what your investors are actually telling you.
If You Do Any of These 3 Things in Your Pitch, Investors Will Know You're Full of Hot Air
Avoid the dreaded "balloon pitch."
8 Solutions for Managing a Passive-Aggressive Team
When people are unhappy but afraid to say so, it's a management problem.
10 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You're Really Not Feeling It
When your business is small and your challenges are big, success depends on your willingness to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Are You Self-Aware? 5 Key Traits You Need to Have to Be a Great Entrepreneur.
Ask how you can improve yourself on a daily basis.
8 Ways to Win Over Investors for Your Startup
Unless you are Elon Musk, raising capital is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do as a founder or CEO.
Invoicing Etiquette for Small Business Owners
If ever there was a time for being firm but polite, and patient but insistent, it is when you are owed money for work done.
26 Founders Share What Their Worst Boss Taught Them
You can learn from even the most frustrating experiences.
5 Simple Tips You Can Use to Capture the Attention of Millennials
Every business wants to get millennials on its side. Here's how you can do it.
How to Develop a Positive Relationship With Failure
If at first you don't succeed, figure out why before you try, try again.
Science Shows How Creativity Can Reduce Stress
When you're stressed out, try writing a song. It can improve your health.
To Thrive in Work and Life, Here's What Science Says You Need
Do you have these traits?