Ethereum: Page 6

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

More Than Just Bitcoin: Blockchain Has Value Across Multiple Industries

Beyond cryptocurrency, the new ledger technology offers huge benefits for health care, crowdfunding and the cloud.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

3 Major Industries in Which Blockchain Technology Is Changing Life As We Know It

The application of Blockchain technology to health care, music and human resources is only the beginning.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

5 Ways Cryptocurrency Can Help Entrepreneurs in 2018

Cryptocurrency will continue to provide a viable means for entrepreneurs to create value in the world.

Business News

How to Buy, Sell and Keep Track of Bitcoin

Here's your step-by-step guide to using exchanges and wallet apps such as Coinbase to manage your bitcoin, as well as other cryptocurrencies such as Ether or Litecoin.


How Dubai's Blockchain Advisor ConsenSys Is Creating A Community For The Emerging Tech

As an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions, blockchain is emerging as a new type of internet innovation that enables distribution of digital information without being copied.


Omar Kassim's Esanjo Uses Blockchain To Reimagine Real Estate Investment

Esanjo is a global real estate asset management business using ethereum blockchain.

Business News

The Risks and Benefits of Digital Currency

Cryptocurrencies are a speculative investment now but the blockchain technology that underpins them seems certain to have major implications.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Crypto Debit Cards are Taking Bitcoin Mainstream. How Entrepreneurs Can Benefit.

Cryptocurrency is the future of money, this entrepreneur believes; and it's a field, he says, that has a lot of room for new startups.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is Our Responsibility

From e-commerce to blockchain, the future of cutting-edge technologies depends on those who choose to believe in them.

Business News

What You Need to Know to Understand the Complicated Splitting of Bitcoin

Bitcoin and Ethereum have both seen high-profile forks in the past year, spawning separate coins with different rules. The splits come down to diverging ideologies and the laws of network consensus.