Executive Presence

Employee Experience & Recruiting

From Hire to Hero — 4 Strategies for Onboarding Senior Executives

Setting up high-level hires for success requires forethought, the right environment and a flexible runway.


You Won't Have a Strong Leadership Presence Until You Master These 5 Attributes

If you are a poor leader internally, you will be a poor leader externally.


How to Create an Executive Presence That Actually Persuades and Inspires Others

As you strive to refine your executive presence, remember it's not a destination but a continuous journey of self-improvement and authenticity.


A Leader's Most Powerful Tool Is Executive Capital. Here's What It Is — and How to Earn It.

This skill is how leaders create something from nothing and leave a lasting legacy.


How to Develop an Executive Presence and Earn Respect

Learn how to build and communicate confidence and credibility to get the attention of those who matter.


4 Communication Strategies to Grow Your Business Without Spending Any Money

Small, thoughtful aspects of your everyday interactions can have the greatest impact.


5 Secrets to Writing a Memorable Speech

There are some very useful guidelines that can serve any speechwriter's needs.


How to Disrupt Your Next Meeting -- and Look Like the Smartest Person in the Room

Even the most ineffective meetings represent opportunities for leverage.


3 Ways to Interact With Others That Will Make You More Charismatic

By harnessing and developing positive substitutes to these turn-off traits, anyone can add to their charm and interpersonal effectiveness.

Operations & Logistics

3 HR Trends That Are Becoming Best Practices

Companies increasingly bring human resources into strategic discussions.


Avoid These 6 Phrases When Trying to Sound, and Feel, More Assertive

It's easy to take for granted the terms of speech we use every day, but language has meaning.


Is Your Personal Brand Disruptive?

And if it is, is your kind of disruption undisciplined or groundbreaking? 4 measures you can use to find out.

Thought Leaders

Give the Gift of Your Presence

An artisan-based business in a small town provides a great lessons that would benefit any entrepreneur.


4 Blunders That Can Damage Your Executive Presence

Whether you're leading a team or climbing the corporate ladder, prepare yourself so you don't make these mistakes.


How to Dress for a Business Meeting. Yes, Seriously. (Infographic)

You may be tempted to try the rumpled-hair, hoodie look – just don't.