Eye contact


Use These Body Language Hacks to Manipulate Your Way to Success

Do you cross your arms? Slump your shoulders? Avoid eye contact? These non-verbal cues could be ruining your chance of success.


You Won't Have a Strong Leadership Presence Until You Master These 5 Attributes

If you are a poor leader internally, you will be a poor leader externally.


4 Body Language Mistakes You Didn't Realize You're Making at Work — And How to Fix Them

Many unconscious gestures negatively affect your professional life. These four mistakes are easy to do — and easy to fix.


How to Tell if Someone Is Deceiving You — Body Language Tips from a Former Intelligence Operative

While your job might not include questioning criminals or terrorists, it is important to be aware of deception in business. Having a few tools up your sleeve will allow you to make smarter business partnerships and decisions.


How Positive Body Language Improves Your Public Speaking

Becoming a master of public speaking requires more than just effectively using your voice.


#9 Sensible Tips to Boost Eye Health and Maintain Sharp Vision

To keep your sight in the best of its ability, we bring you a list of sensible food and habit choices that can keep them healthy, wealthy and vivid!

Growing a Business

How to Be a More Likable and Charismatic Leader

Charisma is a set of social skills that can be learned and improved upon.

Growing a Business

5 Ways to Use Eye Contact in a Business Meeting to Get What You Want

Use these tips to elicit the reactions you really want during those critical interviews or meetings where perception is everything.


The Science of the First Impression: 5 Elements of a Great First Impression

The first impression informs how you're thought of well beyond the first moment, so get it right.

Growth Strategies

Scared of Public Speaking? Here Are a Few Steps to Get Over It

One needs to let go of the fear of being absolutely amazing the entire time

Business News

The Way We Respond to Being Stared at May Reveal How Much Power We Think We Have

When someone looks you square in the eye, is your first instinct to look away or meet their gaze?

Growing a Business

3 Strategies for Navigating Messy Office Politics

Politics is simply the process, done well or poorly, of divvying up whatever there is too little of for everybody to have all they want.


Blame and Credit: How to Encourage Fairness and Accountability Under Pressure

Unsure how to stop the blame game or start an honest discussion? We're here to help.


Communicating Confidently Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Here are six tips to achieve your objectives both at home and at work.

Growing a Business

No Matter What You're Selling, This Strategy Should Do the Trick

Selling has very little to do with what you sell and everything to do with how you sell yourself.