Facebook: Page 9
Amid Russia-Ukraine conflict Facebook and Instagram loosen some restrictions on hate speech
Following the block on Meta's social media activities, the company unveils some adjustments to its hate message policies.
Lo que las empresas de metaverso necesitan para tener éxito
La gran tecnología ya ha invertido miles de millones en el concepto.
What Metaverse Companies Need to Succeed
Big tech has already invested billions in the concept.
Texas Is Suing Meta for Billions of Dollars
In the lawsuit, Texas attorney general Ken Paxton wrote Facebook's 'illegal and deceptive conduct did not end with its users.'
Texas demanda a Meta por miles de millones de dólares
En la demanda, el fiscal general de Texas, Ken Paxton, escribió que la "conducta ilegal y engañosa de Facebook no terminó con sus usuarios".
If Your Business Relies Heavily on Facebook, You'll Want to Keep an Eye on This
Meta threatened to pull out of Europe over possible regulations.
Web3 es molesto, pero no tiene por qué serlo
Los planes de negocios sostenibles pueden superar los esquemas para hacerse rico rápidamente.
Web3 Is Annoying, But It Doesn't Have to Be
Sustainable business plans can outpace get-rich-quick schemes.
Brace For Impact: It's Time To Usher In The Metaverse
The metaverse is poised to usher in some major changes to the way we all live. It will shift our whole relationship with the material world, from our sense of borders to our attitude toward wealth.
Can Meta (NASDAQ: FB) Rise From The Ashes?
Meta (NASDAQ: FB), previously known as Facebook, has had a horrible start to February.
One of Meta's Most Controversial Board Members Is Leaving, Potentially to Support Trump-Aligned Political Candidates
Some of his contrarian ideas include encouraging young people to opt out of college and arguing that entrepreneurs should strive for monopolies in his 'New York Times' bestseller 'Zero to One.'
Uno de los miembros de la junta directiva más polémicos de Meta se va, posiblemente para apoyar a candidatos políticos alineados con Trump
Algunas de sus ideas contrarias incluyen animar a los jóvenes a optar por no ir a la universidad y argumentar que los empresarios deberían luchar por los monopolios en su éxito de ventas del 'New York Times' 'Zero to One'.
What's Behind Facebook's Historic Market Share Drop? A Number of Things.
On Thursday, Facebook experienced the biggest one-day market value drop for a U.S. company.
¿Qué hay detrás de la caída histórica de la cuota de mercado de Facebook? Una serie de cosas.
El jueves, Facebook experimentó la mayor caída de valor de mercado en un día para una empresa estadounidense.
What You Need To Know About How the Metaverse Will Affect Business
The metaverse is coming. Here's how you can prepare your business to thrive throughout the change.