FBI: Page 2

Business News

FBI Paid Less Than $1 Million to Unlock San Bernardino iPhone, Sources Say

The figure is smaller than the $1.3 million the agency's chief initially indicated the hack cost.

Business News

FBI Paid More Than $1 Million to Break Into San Bernardino iPhone

Director James Comey said the agency paid more to get into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters than he will make in the remaining seven years at his his job.

Business News

Apple iPhone Unlocking Maneuver Likely to Remain Secret

The company that helped the FBI unlock a San Bernadino shooter's phone legally owns the method used to gain access.


WhatsApp is Now Technically Illegal and a National Security Threat to India

WhatsApp can now be used as a portal for child pornography distribution, harassing women and even terrorist plots - and we can't stop it

Business News

In the Aftermath of Apple vs. FBI, WhatsApp Strengthens Encryption

As of Tuesday the entirety of WhatsApp messages will be supported by end-to-end encryption.

Business News

FBI May Keep Secret Method of Unlocking Apple iPhone All to Itself

Under the U.S. vulnerabilities equities process, the government is supposed to err in favor of disclosing security issues so companies can devise fixes to protect data.

Business News

White House: Privacy Won't Disappear Just Because Government Unlocked iPhone

'The reason they should be confident in that privacy is because there are laws on the books that are assiduously followed.'

Business News

Government, Claiming it Cracked iPhone Security, Drops Legal Action Against Apple

The abrupt end to a confrontation that had transfixed the tech industry was a victory for Apple, which vehemently opposed a court order to unlock the device used by the San Bernardino shooter.

Business News

How the FBI Might Unlock That iPhone Without Apple's Help

The FBI is going to test out the technique over the next two weeks and will report back to the court hearing the case.

Business News

Government Now Says it May Not Need Apple to Unlock iPhone, Postpones Hearing

The government had insisted until Monday that it had no way to access the phone used by one of the killers in the December massacre in San Bernardino, Calif.

Business News

Some Apple Engineers Threaten to Quit if Forced to Break iPhone Encryption

Multiple Apple employees told the New York Times they would resist a direct order to create an encryption backdoor.

Business News

FBI Warns of Vehicle Hacking Risks

'While not all hacking incidents may result in a risk to safety, it is important that consumers take appropriate steps to minimize risk.'

Business News

Apple: Founding Fathers Would Be 'Appalled' by Government's iPhone Request

The company is fighting the Justice Department over encryption standards.

Business News

Justice Department Calls Apple's Rhetoric 'Corrosive' in iPhone Case

The government said Apple 'deliberately raised technological barriers' to prevent execution of a warrant.

Business News

Tech Companies to Apple: We've Got Your Back

The rare display of unity and support from Apple's sometime-rivals showed the breadth of Silicon Valley's opposition to the government's anti-encryption effort, a position endorsed by the United Nations human rights chief.