Finding Help: Page 7

Starting a Business

Where Do You Stand?

Some say the new administration isn't exactly oozing with support for new start-ups; some say help is on the way. So what's the truth?

Starting a Business

Girl School

What makes a young woman want to own a business? A little education will help.

Starting a Business


Entrepreneurial centers focus on those who've served.

Starting a Business

In The 'Hood

The world's growing at Internet speed, but your local economic development agency's still watching out for you.

Starting a Business

Uncle Sam Wants You

Funding from the Small Business Innovation Research program

Starting a Business

The Deliberate Entrepreneur

If back to school is the last place you want to go, think twice. For a new generation of entrepreneurs, an MBA may be the surest route to success.

Starting a Business

Second Opinion

Can a consultant boost your business? Yes, if you follow these tips.