Geoff Williams
Geoff Williams has written for numerous publications, including Entrepreneur, Consumer Reports, LIFE and Entertainment Weekly. He also is the author of Living Well with Bad Credit.
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How I Did It: Getting Started in the Pet Business
Meet five enterprising animal lovers who found their second acts in the booming pet industry.
How to Hire Workers for Crummy Jobs
Need someone for a task that would make even Mike Rowe blanch? When working for you isn't a dream come true.
What Scares Business Owners?
Plenty of things. But, like inventory, employees and cash flow, fear can be managed.
How to Put Your Creative Stamp on a Franchise
Creative risks can make the difference between plodding and prosperous.
Five Tips for Marketing to College Students
Use these strategies to help you hit a constantly moving target.
Big Marketing Stunts, Small-Business Style
Creating buzz around your business is tough, but it's nothing compared to keeping that momentum going.
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