Geoff Williams: Page 3
Geoff Williams has written for numerous publications, including Entrepreneur, Consumer Reports, LIFE and Entertainment Weekly. He also is the author of Living Well with Bad Credit.
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Latest: Page 3
Healthy Travels
Think going abroad for cheaper medical procedures is scary? These businesses are here to help.
Running a Marathon Business
You think finishing a marathon is hard? Try starting one.
Tackling the Football Crowd
With football season in full force, don't miss your chance to score with this huge market.
10 Businesses Facing Extinction in 10 Years
They're going, going and may be completely gone by 2017. Check out their odds of survival.
A Sign of Good Marketing?
Sign spinners--or 'human directionals'--are trying to stop traffic with eye-catching tricks and acrobatics. Does it work?
The Perfect Presentation: Follow-up
In the final part of a 6-week series, you'll learn why you should follow up, regardless of how well or poorly the presentation went.