Finding The Right Business: Page 4


The Rise of Online Entrepreneurs: Ecommerce By the Numbers (Infographic)

With online sales growing, more entrepreneurs are breaking into ecommerce. Here's a look at this thriving industry.


Frozen-Yogurt Franchise Fight Heats Up

'Go self-serve or go home,' says one competitor. Franchises get creative to differentiate themselves in an increasingly crowded frozen-yogurt market.

Business News

Startups and Investors Bet on the Drone Economy

Entrepreneurs are betting on a future full of flying robots that can do anything from survey crops to make a delivery.

Business News

Venture for America and Its Quest to Spread Entrepreneurship Beyond Silicon Valley

In an effort to expand entrepreneurship across the U.S. and provide some much needed jobs, this nonprofit is looking to the nation's college students.

Business News

Emerging Players in Tech-Fashion Innovation

Think creating the next iPhone is tough? Try making the perfect pocket or purse to hold one.

Business Ideas

How to Make Sure There's a Market for Your Business Idea

No matter how great your idea, if you don't have a solid market, you're wasting your time. Here are four ways to be more strategic about positioning your business idea for the right customers.


Obama Offers $200 Million Prize to Build 3 Manufacturing Innovation Hubs

The White House announced today that it will expand on its program to promote advanced manufacturing in the U.S., an effort to drive global competitiveness.

Starting a Business

How an Endurance Coach Helped Change Running Shoes

Running expert Eric Orton developed a new shoe to help athletes put their best foot forward.


Behind a Brand Extension: How a Sweatshirt Raised Over $1 Million on Kickstarter

Flint and Tinder's founder shares tips on how he successfully branched out with a new product -- and you can, too.

Health & Wellness

Tipping Its Hat to a Younger Generation, Pukka Headwear Finds Success in the Golf Industry

After years of struggle, the golf cap company stands out in a crowded market with a customized approach to selling.

Business Ideas

Most New Business Ideas Hatching for 6 or More Months

A new report shows that most new business owners spend months working on their business plan prior to starting up.

Green Entrepreneur®

7 Trends in 'Green' Business, Not Just for Tree-Huggers

Environmental responsibility is a hot trend for companies, whether or not they target the granola set.


Defining Your Market in 7 Steps

No business can be all things to all customers, especially a small business. Here's how to find a niche to set up your company for success.

Starting a Business

Five Ways to Find Your Business Fit

If you're looking at getting into a new business, first make sure it suits your needs. Here's how.

Business Ideas

How to Find Your Passion in 5 Creativity Exercises

Want to start a business, but not sure what to pursue? Here's how to discover what you love.