Firing: Page 6

Resumes & Interviewing

Lessons I've Learned About Getting Hiring Right the First Time

Firing an employee is among the most unpleasant responsibilities of being boss, in part because their failure is also your failure.


The Right Way to Fire an Employee

Start with the bad news, tell them when the last check will be in their bank account and get them out the door.


Employee Management: Reward the Best, Replace the Worst

Got a non-performer in your midst? Show him, or her, the door.


Failure of Stewardship Was at the Heart of Wounded Warrior Project Firings

The ousted charity leaders never provided the structures and controls needed to be protectors of the generosity coming their way.

Business News

Yelp CEO Responds to Employee Fired After She Wrote a Post About Her Low Pay

Talia Jane, who worked for the company's food delivery arm Eat24, wrote an open letter to Yelp CEO Jeremy Stoppelmann on Friday.

Business News

Twitter Just Lost Several Key Executives

Their departure is the biggest leadership change since Jack Dorsey's return as CEO.

Thought Leaders

Are Severance Agreements Slimy Business?

Is the common practice an ethical one? Our expert explains.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

7 Honest Mistakes That Can Get You Fired

Even good, hard-working people get fired for these innocent mistakes. Make certain it doesn't happen to you.

Thought Leaders

The 10 Worst Entrepreneurs of 2015

If you're looking for best practices to follow, take a pass on learning from these folks.


Mistakes Will Happen in Building a Startup -- But You Will Learn From Them

Here are five mishaps that became valuable lessons during my journey on the way to entrepreneurial success.


4 Answers You Need Before Firing Your Problem Employee

It's baffling why promising people undercut their success by exasperating their teammates.

Business News

How Could Your Business Implode? Let Us Count the Ways.

Never underestimate how many routes on your entrepreneurial journey lead to failure.

Business News

Volkswagen to Fire Employees Responsible for Emissions Scandal

Sources say people responsible for rigging the U.S. emissions tests will be fired starting Friday.


When the CEO Goes Bad, the Whole Company Needs a Fresh Look

Cutting off the head does nothing to fix what is likely cultural rot throughout an entire organization.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Teacher Gets to Keep Job Despite Being Tardy 111 Times in Two Years

Be glad you don't have this guy working for you.