Focus: Page 2


3 Ways to Achieve Superhuman Focus in 14 Days

Regardless of what goals you want to achieve in 2023 and beyond, there is one skill you'll need above all else.


Who Comes First, the Customer or the Employee?

Did the chicken or the egg come first? It is an age-old debate. But as an entrepreneur, should you value your employees or customers first?

Thought Leaders

The Value of Hyper-Focus: Why You Must Stop Stretching Your Attention Across Too Many Priorities

Founders are generally limited by their two scarcest resources: their own time and attention. The more diffuse your focus is across various tasks, the less you will thrive and succeed in your priority areas.


A New Coffee Supplement Is Providing Focus and Clarity on Those Difficult Workdays

For the hustle minded who don't want to slow down and don't want to sacrifice their wellness.


3 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Focus and Help Boost Your Energy

In this video, Ben Angel shows you tools for improving your focus.

Thought Leaders

Don't Focus on Wealth, Focus on Success. How Focusing on Money Could Be Hurting You.

If you're in it for the money, you will struggle. Make your end goal the impact you want to make on your community, and the dollars will follow.


4 Strategies for Better Focusing That Will Salvage Your Busy Day

Having a busy day is old news for an entrepreneur — let's discuss how we can improve our productivity through focus.

Thought Leaders

4 Low-Key Secrets to Entrepreneurial Success Every Founder Should Know

You can be focused on achieving an end goal with team support but don't forget you also want to affect meaningful change.


9 Ways To Make 'Superhuman Focus' Work For You

In this video, Ben Angel shows you how to improve your focus and do more with your time.


Nir Eyal Shares How to Focus On Your Work and Ignore Distractions

In this week's episode Wall Street Journal bestselling author Nir Eyal is here to help you become indisctractible.


3 Ways to Achieve 'Superhuman Focus' in Just Two Weeks

Focus is a valuable asset for any entrepreneur. Here's how to upgrade your energy, focus, and drive.


4 Daily Steps to Create Insane Levels of Focus, Confidence and Productivity

Sometimes we need to make simple adjustments to the way we do things to get immediate results.


Free Webinar | June 29: 5 Keys to Unlocking a Truly Productive Workday

Want to learn tips and tricks for staying motivated and productive throughout your day? Then you won't want to miss our free webinar. Register now!


How to Prioritize Customer Service When You're Shortstaffed

Seven ways to shine in a time of workforce shortage