Freelance and Remote Working

Side Hustle

How Side Hustles Are Redefining Careers and Shaping the Future of Work

Here's how more than 4 million Americans have transformed side hustles into independent careers, earning over $100,000.

Money & Finance

Become Your Own Bank and Control Your Financial Future With These 5 Steps

The key to becoming your own bank lies in developing a self-reliant approach to money management.


8 Things I've Learned From Running a Fully Remote Company

Leading fully remote teams requires unique strategies, including fostering trust, supporting effective communication, and maintaining personal connections.

Business Culture

Why Remote Work Policies Are Good For the Environment

Remote work policies are crucial for ESG guidelines. Embracing remote work can positively impact your business and employees.


Top Ways I've Learned to Keep Motivation High in an Asynchronous Workplace

Asynchronous working environments are constantly evolving, and we're all learning to adapt, particularly in areas like motivation. I've discovered several effective tips and tricks that keep our motivation levels high, and hopefully yours soon as well.


Uncovering the Hidden Benefits (and Dangers) of Remote Work in 2024

Remote work promised us flexibility and thrilling new lifestyles, but the day-to-day reality often brings meeting fatigue and unexpected hurdles. So, what went astray from the promise, and how can these hidden benefits optimize your experience?

Business News

Inside the Strange, Secretive Rise of the 'Overemployed'

There's a whole community of professionals online who trade tips about juggling jobs on the sly. They describe themselves as "overemployed" — and remarkably, they seem to be getting away with it.

Business News

I Live and Work Remotely From a Cruise Ship 300 Days a Year. It's Helped My Social Life and Costs Just as Much as an Apartment — Here's How I Do It.

"I've been told I'm crazy for trying to live full-time on a cruise ship, but it's not just for retired people."


4 Attributes To Look For When Hiring Remote Workers

While adoption rates vary by country, industry and company size, the remote working trend continues to gather momentum as more employees demand flexible working arrangements and many organizations recognize the potential benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced overhead costs and access to a larger talent pool.


How to Build a Thriving Organizational Culture in a Remote Workplace

Remote work allows hiring top talent from anywhere in the world without geographical restrictions.


3 Inclusive Workplace Practices For Your Remote Team

In today's interconnected world, organizations often face the challenge of managing multicultural and geographically dispersed teams. Here are some tips on how to encourage inclusion.


The Rise of Self-Employed in the Global Workforce and What Business Owners Need to Know

Exploring the pros and cons of hiring self-employed and freelancers across borders, the legal considerations, the correct classification of employees and independent contractors, and more.


5 Things I Learned as the CEO of a Fully Remote Company

As the CEO of a company that was an early adopter of a fully distributed workplace model, here are five important lessons I've learned from the experience.


An Asynchronous Workforce Is The Future. Are You Ready For It?

The benefit of "remote work" is that it should enable greater freedom and flexibility — yet for many, it's led to be even more inundated with communications, back-to-back meetings and extended working hours. To realize the potential of remote work as a path to greater productivity and freedom, we need to move toward asynchronous work. Here's how to do it.