Friends and Family: Page 5

Thought Leaders

The 4 Types of People to Surround Yourself With for Success

You are the sum of who you spend your time with.

Health & Wellness

Never Sacrifice Any of These 5 Areas of Your Life for Work

Success is a mirage if attaining it requires compromising what is of intrinsic value to every person.

Social Media

3 Marketing Strategies That Will Surely Sink Your Startup

There is so much that can go wrong by surprise when you're growing a business that you have to avoid what is certain not to work.

Starting a Business

7 Tips For a Thriving, Sustainable Family Business That Lasts

Follow these pointers for keeping your business and your family together.


5 Reasons Your Spouse Hates Your Business

Entrepreneurial success takes everything you have, plus what your family gives you. There are rules about what you can and cannot do with their investment. Learn them.


Payback Time After Pack Up Time

"I wasn't around my three-year-old son from the time he was born. Neither did I spend time with the family. But after exiting TFS, it is good to do all that." Raghunandan


4 Very Different Types of Relationships That Must Be Healthy for You to Succeed

Career and the rest of our lives are intertwined. An unhealthy relationship in either makes it hard to be successful and happy in both.

Thought Leaders

Don't Focus So Much on Success You Never See Your Friends and Family

True entrepreneurial success is deftly managing business demands so well that you keep close to the people who love you.


Show Your Friends and Family You Love Them With Your Signature Dish

Even if you're terrible in the kitchen like me, you should prepare one dish to show how much you care for your loved ones.

Making a Change

No Other Investment Compares to the One You Make in Yourself

Here are four specific ways to make sure you live to the fullest. And, hey, it will pay off in every other area as well.


Why You Should Never Accept Business Favors From Personal Friends

Your buddy may be offering just what you need, but don't succumb to temptation when offered a deal.


6 Ways to Start Throttling Back Before You Burnout

Success isn't as sweet for people who've forgotten how to enjoy their lives.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

4 Steps to Keep Family Loans From Escalating Into Fisticuffs

Treat your family borrower the way a bank does a small business. Ask for a business plan.

Resumes & Interviewing

Advice From 9 Entrepreneurs Who Made Partnering or Hiring Friends Work

Conventional wisdom says it's a big risk, both to the business and the relationship. But there are exceptions to every rule.


5 Ways Weekends Can Boost Your Productivity Monday Through Friday

People who work seven days a week need to learn about the law of diminishing returns.