Friends and Family: Page 6

Making a Change

Don't Let Those Closest to You Degrade Your Potential

It really does matter who we spend our time and engage in conversation with.


6 Essentials for Achieving the Total-Life Package of Happiness and Success

True success encompasses joy, personal development and enterprise that serves others.

Growing a Business

How to Fire a Family Member in a Family-Run Business

To fire a family member may be one of the most difficult challenges a family business will face. Here is how to ensure the process is as painless as possible.

Making a Change

F, as in Forget, Those That Doubt You

You need to surround yourself with people that will inspire, motivate and push you to achieve greatness -- not doubters with motivation-sucking opinions.


4 Reasons You Should Never Hire a Family Member

When you start a business and are in need of help, it's easy to run to the nearest emotionally charged people in your life to help out. Well, don't.

Starting a Business

What You Need to Know About Funding Your Business Through Friends and Family

Read this before you approach friends and family to finance your new business.

Thought Leaders

Make Your Life Better By Saying 'No' More Often in These 3 Areas

You know the cliches: Life is short, time is precious and there are only so many hours in a day.


How to Handle Your Family Bankrolling Your Business

Friends and family of new entrepreneurs are the greatest single source of outside funding but just because it's common, doesn't mean you shouldn't use caution.


The Important Lesson for Entrepreneurs From a Quarterback's Fight for His Life

Jim Kelly battled two bouts of cancer, but with his teammates by his side, he was able to stand tall.

Money & Finance

8 Best Practices to Seek Funding From Friends, Family and Fools

If the people closest to you won't support you, why should investors?


5 Kinds of People Who Will Help You Succeed as an Entrepreneur

You'll be making your own decisions and carving your own path, but you'll have to your network to help get you there.


Do You Know Who Your Best Friends Are in Business?

They just might surprise you.

Thought Leaders

Keep Your Friends While Starting Up With These 4 Tips

You may be thrilled about your new venture, while those closest to you wish you would just stop talking about it.

Growing a Business

How to Hire Friends Without Destroying Relationships

By taking some precautions you can maximize the benefit of knowing skilled folk and avoid damaging relationships.

Growing a Business

College Seniors, Comb Through Your Contacts Now to Jump Start Your Job Search

Somewhere among your family, friends, Facebook friends and friends of friends you'll find the people who will help you launch your career.