Future Tech: Page 8

Business News

Is Apple Losing the Smart Home Battle?

Learn the smart home automation strategies of Apple, Amazon and Google.

Data & Recovery

How Google Has Changed the World

An early employee remembers the sense of purpose in its democratization of access to information.

Science & Technology

A Semi-Scientific Ranking of Semi-Autonomous Features

Manufacturers are racing to arm their vehicles with enough cameras, radars, sensors, and tech to properly outthink man.

Business News

Clothes Dryers of the Future Could Also Build Smartphones

An MIT design allows phone components to automatically snap together in a centrifuge.

Business News

Check Out the Sleek 'Vision Mercedes Maybach 6' Concept EV

Mercedes teased 'body sensor displays' that will sense whether you're hot, cold or tense, and adjust accordingly.


Innovations For Which Future Is Now

Tech startups are paving the way for the future

Business Ideas

Prepare for the Future Being Shaped by These 5 Critical Trends

The economy is being reshaped by fundamental shifts in technology, demographics and prevailing attitudes.

Business News

Intel Lays Out its Vision for a Fully Connected World

'We're truly inventing a world we can't experience today,' Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said today.


Machine Learning Needs Bias Training to Overcome Stereotypes

Humans have ingrained unconscious biases. So do the algorithms they create.

News and Trends

Dubai To Fujairah In Ten Minutes? Hyperloop Could Make It Possible

With respect to the transportation sector, the UAE looks to be keen on stepping up its game.


Cloud And Analytics: Key to Finding Success with 5G Aad IoT

Move away LTE, the future is going to include phenomenally faster 5G networks

Science & Technology

How 3-D Printing Will Improve Our Future

From disaster relief to sustainable life on Mars, 3-D printing looks to improve the world.

Science & Technology

This 3-D Printed Home Can Withstand an 8.0 Earthquake

It may not be the most beautiful home you've ever seen, but it's safe and was efficient to build.


How to Avoid Being Redundant When the Robots Have Replaced Most of Us

Instead of worrying about a robot taking your job, start thinking about how to keep robots working for you.

Science & Technology

The Internet of Things Promises a Future of Being Coddled by Your Appliances

A car that drives itself and a thermos that keeps my coffee the perfect temp for two hours. Hello, morning commute!