

5 Entrepreneurial Reasons to Embrace Philanthropy

Discover how embracing philanthropy can boost your business, foster goodwill and drive meaningful impact in your entrepreneurial journey.

Business News

Craigslist's 71-Year-Old Founder Is Donating $100 Million to Cybersecurity. Here's Why.

Craig Newmark's giving philosophy comes from a concept that means "repairing the world."


3 Ways Gratitude Can Set You Up for Business Success

Gratitude can have tangible effects on your employees, customers and leadership skills.

Thought Leaders

Why Giving Back Is Good for You and Your Business This Season (and All Year Long)

Acts of service stave off loneliness, improve mental health and team morale.


The Power of a Strong Unexpected ESG Ally

This submission is about how the corporate sector can benefit from partnerships with unexpected ESG allies


Why Entrepreneurs Should Make Charity a Habit

Most of us underestimate the importance of charity in our lives.

Growing a Business

Want Your Charitable Donation to Actually Help Someone? 4 Questions to Ask Before You Give

If it's been a good year, make sure you maximize your impact by donating effectively.

Business News

Do You Believe Giving Attracts Wealth? Many Millionaires Do. Here's How to Make it Work for You

Giving attracts wealth, or so many millionaires believe. Before #GivingTuesday, here's what you need to know about giving and living like a millionaire.

Growing a Business

Want Positive Rewards? Pursue Positive Actions.

I call it Givers Gain, but it's ultimately all about reciprocity.

Thought Leaders

Should You Continue Giving to Charity During Covid-19?

For a variety of reasons, entrepreneurs are answering 'yes.'

Thought Leaders

5 Paths to Positive Character Flow

Giving these gifts -- and an attitude of gratitude -- will boost your success in business and in life.

Thought Leaders

Giving is Transformational

Giving is contagious. Conscious giving can be infinite.

Thought Leaders

4 Ways Companies Can Foster a Culture of Giving Back

Giving to those in need helps your community and builds bonds within your organization.

Operations & Logistics

Here Are Legitimate Fundraisers Helping Damaged and Destroyed Small Businesses

Three ways to help entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Business News

Why Did This 17-Year-Old Turn Down $8 Million for His Coronavirus-Tracking Website?

For some, it's not all about profit. At least not right now.