Gratitude: Page 8
The 10 Types of Superheroes in Every Office. Which One Are You? (Infographic)
Do you recognize yourself among any of these masked work-crushing avengers?
How This Entrepreneur's Near-Death Experience Inspired a Million-Dollar Business
When, at age 39, Jon Loew was given two months to live he recorded videos for his kids to watch at a future date. After he made a miraculous recovery, he took that idea and turned it into a video sharing service.
12 Founders on the Business Advice They Are Most Thankful For
The latest Techstars NYC class shares the advice that has been most instrumental in helping them grow their businesses.
Success Is Likelier When You Make People Happy They Helped You
How you ask for the help you need, and how you repay the favors you receive, has a lot to do with how much you will achieve.
8 Tips for Penning a Thank-You Note That Will Be Treasured
Handwritten notes are classic and rare, which makes the sender classy and uncommon.
The Many Ways Being Kind Leads to Success
The positive thinking necessary to overcome adversity comes far more easily to people who are intentionally generous and kind.
5 Enjoyable Weekend Habits That Set You Up for Success
Make a clean break from work to reflect upon and enjoy what you're working for. Everything else will still be there Monday morning.
Cultivate These 11 Habits to Achieve Meaningful Success
True success inspires others and makes a beneficial impact on their lives.
Express Gratitude for Where You Are Right Now, and Say It Out Loud
A simple phrase said by members of the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels can help you achieve high performance and get you where you want to go in life and business.
7 Traits of Exceptional Leaders
Successful leadership is half knowing where you are going and half knowing if you're making any progress in that direction.
3 Lessons on Appreciation for Leaders, Inspired by the Unsung Heroes of Every Tech Company
True leadership means recognizing the teams behind every visionary instead of getting caught up in trying to be one.
5 Ways to Improve Your Life for Tomorrow
The one thing we should always do, as long as we are breathing, is to look for ways to grow and maximize our potential.
3 Simple Ways to Feel Happy
Whether you are miserable or happy all comes down to you.
6 Ways to Enhance Your Mindset So You Can Take on Life's Challenges
Take charge of your mind. Grow and protect it with everything you have. All achievements, riches and happiness start in the mind.
This Simple Daily Habit Will Add More Gratitude to Your Life
When you're feeling frustrated, rushed, and stressed, a little gratitude can come to the rescue.