Home-Based Business: Page 9

Money & Finance

25 Ways to Save Money in Your Home-Based Business

Add financial wizardry to your entrepreneurial repertoire with these cost-reduction tips.

Business Ideas

8 Ways to Keep Your Homebased Business Running Smoothly

If you're well on your way to home based business success, these management tips will help you stay on top of your game.

Business Ideas

All That Glitters

Dreaming of starting your own jewelry business? Be prepared--it's more elbow grease than glitz and glamour.

Business Ideas

Babies on Board

Can you take care of baby and business at the same time?

Growing a Business

10 Ways to Grow Your Home Based Business

When the status quo just won't do anymore, these 10 ideas will help you take your home based business to a new level.

Business News

Take It Outside!

...or to your living room, your kitchen, or wherever you need to be. A wireless network not only boosts productivity, but also makes life as a homebased entrepreneur a whole lot easier.

Business News

Hiring a Virtual Assistant

How to get help when you don't want employees in your home office

Business Ideas

Homing Devices

Zeroing in on technology and furniture for your first home office won't cost a fortune with these budget-friendly ideas.

Business Ideas

Back to Basics

Ready to outfit your home office with the tech essentials? Here's what you need.

Business Ideas

His and Hers

Can a couple run two businesses out of one home?

Business Ideas

Setting Up a Retainer Payment System

If you have clients who use your services on a regular basis, find out more about the benefits of having them pay by retainer.

Business Ideas

Plan of Attack

Is a business plan really necessary for a homebased business?

Business Ideas

Surviving the First Five Years

The first years are the hardest, so plan on plodding along for a while.

Business Ideas

Striking a Balance Between Work and Home

Don't let go of your personal life just because you've started a business.

Business Ideas

What Should I Use as My Business Address?

Solutions to your most common mail-handling questions