How to Start a Business: Page 7

Starting a Business

Five Steps for Getting Your Business Up and Running

Five steps for getting your business up and running successfully.

Business Ideas

How to Start a Bar/Club.

Be the toast of the town, the life of the party--and a successful entrepreneur? Yep. You can have it all when you open a bar.

Business Ideas

Starting a Business: The Idea Phase

You know you want to start a business, but what do you do next? Here's how to find the perfect idea for your business.

Business Plans

An Introduction to Business Plans

Why is a business plan so vital to the health of your business? Read the first section of our tutorial on How to Build a Business Plan to find out.


Franchises & Biz Opps: What's the Difference?

Tips for deciding which route is right for you

Money & Finance

Find Funding in Your Backyard

Local, state and regional funds aim to keep local economies going strong.

Starting a Business

Learn to Lean on Your Advisors

Take advantage of expert advice--but know that the final say is yours.

Business Ideas

8 Thriving Travel Markets

Now's the perfect time to get in on these hot specialty opportunities.

Starting a Business

Beware the 'Shiny Stuff' Seduction

Don't blow your startup budget on unnecessary bells and whistles.

Starting a Business

5 Reasons to Focus on Long-Term Gain

Ignore short-term pain and get started today.

Starting a Business

7 Ways to Transform Your Business Model

The old business methods won't work anymore. It's time to evolve.

Business Ideas

You <em>Can</em> Start a Restaurant in a Down Economy

In an industry so unforgiving, what's the recipe for starting a restaurant in a recession?

Starting a Business

Build a Billion From the Ground Up

Learn how you can become a billionaire from the man who did it from scratch.

Business Ideas

Build a Billion-Dollar Business

It starts with strategic thinking and thoughtful growth. Here's an inside look at how two successful businesses went from zero to $1 billion.

Money & Finance

5 Ways to Raise Money Today

With a little persistence and creativity, you can still find financing.