

La risa es un lenguaje universal — aquí te decimos cómo usarla para empoderar a tu equipo

Ser capaz de hacer reír a tu equipo puede fomentar la resiliencia, la seguridad psicológica y una cultura de innovación, mejorando el rendimiento organizacional y la satisfacción de los empleados. Aquí te mostramos cómo aprovechar su poder.

Starting a Business

This Entrepreneur Pranked Mark Cuban on National Television. The Shark Was So Impressed He Offered to Invest $640,000 — in Empty Boxes.

Ryan Walther, co-founder of prank gift box and gag gift company Prank-O, combined his passions for comedy and business.


Laughter Is a Universal Language — Here's How to Use It to Empower Your Team

Being able to make your people laugh can foster resilience, psychological safety and a culture of innovation, ultimately enhancing organizational performance and employee satisfaction. Here's how to harness its power.

Business News

This Simple Personal Finance Hack Started as a Joke — But It's Actually Helping People Save Money, Experts Say

Turns out, the trend that gained traction on TikTok could get you closer to your financial goals.


10 Quotes to Help You Survive the Holidays

Baked fresh from us to you: A festive batch of wise and witty words to cling to, all season long. Happy holidays.


Crypto Doesn't Have to Be Serious. Just Ask This Comedian Who Organized a Conference About Failure in the Industry.

Allison Bishop, general chair of this year's International Crypto Conference, is a computer scientist and comedian who knows humor can make a real impact.


Las palabras importan: consejos para impulsar las comunicaciones de liderazgo

En este post comparto mi visión sobre la importancia de las habilidades comunicativas para un líder y algunos tips que me ayudan a representar a la empresa ante diferentes públicos.


Words Matter: Tips to Boost Leadership Communications

In this post, I share my vision of the importance of communication skills for a leader and some tips that help me represent the company to different audiences.


Vladimir Putin anotó 9 goles en un reciente partido de hockey

¿Es así como quieres que te trate tu gente?


Vladimir Putin Scored 9 Goals In a Recent Hockey Match

Is this the way you want your people to treat you?

Thought Leaders

The Reason Good Businesses Tell Boring Stories

Respecting the distinction between a story and a narrative can help you connect with high-value clients, spend more wisely on advertising and attract investors.

Social Media

3 Social Media Hacks to Help Your Content Go Viral

Hint: Targeting emotions is key.

Science & Technology

Why Do Boeing 747s Still Use Floppy Disks?

Many small business owners would relate.

Business News

Is 2020 The Worst Year Ever?

No, 536 A.D. was. But running a business then wasn't much different.

Thought Leaders

Super 70s Sports: How a College Professor Turned His Hilarious Hobby Into a Social Media Business

Meet the sweet bastard behind one of the funniest Twitter accounts in human history.