Innovation Mentality: Page 3

Thought Leaders

The 4 Cognitive Biases Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

Here's how to stop potentially problematic ways of thinking from becoming career blind spots.


The Good Thing About an Antiquated Industry? Lots of Room to Innovate.

Fresh thinking is never more needed than when your business has existed for generations.


#10 Things Mentally Strong People Avoid

They don't take any chance they get, but calculate and weigh the risks and benefits before a big decision


How Your Culture Will Ensure You Keep Your Edge

Innovate to avoid becoming obselete.

Starting a Business

High-Tech Startups Need to Ditch the 'Engineers Rule' Mentality

Everyone is in the people business. Create a balance between ideas and execution to ensure the long-term success of your new company.


4 Steps to Cultivating an Innovation Mindset in Your Organization

Transforming an organization from innovation-averse to forward-thinking isn't always an easy road to navigate.


How to Bridge the Leadership Perception Divide

Your team will make their greatest contributions when they are clear what it is you value most.

Growing a Business

Why Being the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Essential Goal

Make it your business to know a little bit about a lot of things, and a lot about the most important things.