Innovator Profiles: Page 5

Starting a Business

Reddit Founder on Startup Success: Identify a Genuine Need and Fill It

Alexis Ohanian on the importance of creating a new tech product or service that solves a problem in people's lives.


Melinda Gates on Using Technology to Make Meaningful Connections

At Mashable's Social Good Summit, Melinda Gates stressed the importance of using technology to make the world a better place.


Robotic Bartenders, Brainwave-Reading Headbands and a Jetpack Like James Bond's

A roundup of the 10 most interesting new technologies that make us scratch our heads and say, 'What the heck?'

Business Ideas

Forget Brainstorming, Try Brainswarming Instead

Innovators continually generate new ideas through a more continuous and dynamic process, here's how you can too.


YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS: Elon Musk Designs a Rocket Part With Hand Gestures and 3-D Prints It

In this video, the SpaceX founder goes beyond computers to design the rocket part with free-standing projection.


Check Out This Brainwave-Reading Headband That Could Control All Your Devices

The Muse headband has sensors that collect a wearer's brainwaves and then translates the information to binary code.

Data & Recovery

Inside Nerdist's Media Empire for the Internet Age

Geek rebels Chris Hardwick and Peter Levin parlayed their passion for sci-fi, video games and superheroes into a new media empire for the Internet Age. All hail the Nerdist.

Data & Recovery

20 Questions With Ben Huh, Founder of Cheezburger

The man behind the LOLcats phenomenon shares his first business idea, what he learned from his worst boss and why he hopes Momofuku's David Chang will invite him to dinner.

Business Ideas

Harvard Students Reimagine the Cosmetics Business

The innovative cosmetic e-commence site, Birchbox is many things. For consumers, it's a chance to sample new products for a small fee and to replenish products they already enjoy, and for the founders, it's a platform that connects consumers and brands.

Social Media

A Facebook Alum Builds an Intelligent Sales Platform

Darian Shirazi turned down a $35 million acquisition offer from Google, and leveraged his massive local database to provide real-time information for sales teams targeting the U.S. small-business market.

Business News

PayPal Co-Founder's New Baby: An App to Help You Get Pregnant

Max Levchin's new fertility app Glow includes a community-funded pool of money to distribute to women who are unsuccessful in conceiving in the first 10 months.

Business News

6 Business Moguls With Seriously Expensive Side Projects

From newspapers to mega yachts, here's a look at what entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos and Paul Allen spend their millions on.

Business Ideas

How a First-Time Entrepreneur's Kickstarter Project Landed on Toys 'R' Us Shelves in Less Than a Year

Industry insiders laughed at the engineering toy for girls, but its inventor was determined to change the landscape of the 'pink aisle.' Entrepreneur Debbie Sterling shares how she transformed her idea into a million-dollar company.

Starting a Business

Maker's Row Attracts New Investment From Prominent Angels

The New York-based startup that focuses on reviving American manufacturers raises $1 million.

Business News

How One Young Entrepreneur Built a Credit Card Processing Empire at 16

You know what they say about one man's trash? It's another man's goldmine. Here's the story of how Harbortouch's Jared Isaacman saw an opportunity and grabbed.