Inventors: Page 2

Growing a Business

10 Things You Didn't Realize Were Invented in the 1990s

From to Nintendo 64 -- there's much to attribute to the 1990s.

Thought Leaders

Become an Inventor, Just Not a 'High-Maintenance' One

Companies want to work only with inventors who are professional and fair -- people who don't waste their time.


Cat Fight! How These Inventors Beat the Counterfeiters That Nearly Destroyed Their Company.

When a company copied their invention, Natasha and Fred Ruckel began investigating -- and got an inside look into how products are ripped off.

Business Ideas

Billion-Dollar Inventor Joy Mangano Rebuilt Her Life Thanks to This Simple Idea -- And You Can, Too

After selling more than $3 billion in goods, Joy Mangano says people need to realize everything is a product.

Thought Leaders

Greatness Begins With Understanding the Basics of Business

Entrepreneur's must parse the difference between one hit wonders and companies with longevity.

Thought Leaders

8 Quotes From Shark Tank's Lori Greiner That Will Make You Proud to be An Entrepreneur

Inspiration from the woman of Shark Tank on how to start, and succeed, at being your own boss.

Thought Leaders

Inventor, Entrepreneur and Inspiration for the Movie 'Joy' Joy Mangano Shares How to Be Successful

In a recent conversation, Joy Mangano discusses success, creativity, failure and more.


10 Things You Didn't Realize Were Invented in the 2000s

Many of the products and services born in the aughts helped shape the world we live in today.

Starting a Business

How a Guitar Player With a Problem Turned $12,000 in Savings into a $1.4 Million Business

This contributor needed an attachable guitar amplifier. So he made one -- and raised $60,000 in his first two days.

Starting a Business

The Simplest Ideas Can Be Extremely Profitable. Here's Proof.

Gene Luoma solved a universal problem -- clogged drains -- with a strip of plastic from his garage. His device has sold 33 million units.


The Forgotten Hollywood Icon Whose Genius Made Wi-Fi Possible

Hedy Lamarr's story is being told thanks to a first-time director who heeded the words, 'Do it anyway.'

Thought Leaders

12 Inspiring Quotes From the Inventor of the Telephone, Alexander Graham Bell

March 10 marks the day the inventor made the first telephone call.

Thought Leaders

10 of the Most Influential African-American Inventors

To celebrate Black History Month, check out these genius inventions from African-Americans.

Thought Leaders

These Are Some of the Most Important Inventions of All Time

Find out how passersby on the street answered the question, 'What's your favorite invention?'