Jack Dorsey: Page 8

Money & Finance

Square Ramps Up Its Offering with a Merchant Cash Advance Program

Jack Dorsey's latest company Square, a business best known for mobile credit-card processing, today announced a program to help entrepreneurs get access to capital as soon as the very next day.


Jack Dorsey to Employees: Name-Dropping Makes You Look Dumb

Trying to push an idea 'because the boss wants it' strips you of authority and diminishes the idea's merit, Dorsey writes.

Business News

From Tattoo Parlors to Coffee Shops, a National Celebration of Small Businesses

National Small Business Week runs from May 12 to 16 this year, with events being held in cities from San Francisco to Washington.

Social Media

Rumors Swirl That Square Is for Sale

The mobile-payments company founded by Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has reportedly been talking to suitors about selling itself.


How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

We've all been told we need at least eight hours of sleep. But are some of us not 'built that way?' Or are we just fooling ourselves?


Square Market Now Takes Bitcoin Payments

Paying for cool indie gadgets and gear and artisanal food with the world's first digital cash just got easier. Well, sort of.

Social Media

Was Your First Tweet Awkward or Awesome?

The social-media giant is celebrating its birthday and is inviting everyone to look back and see their very first tweet.

Social Media

Saudi Billionaire Prince Alwaleed Eyes $200 Million Stake in Square

The investment would value the mobile payments startup founded by Jack Dorsey at $5 billion.

Social Media

10 Twitter Accounts Every Entrepreneur Should Be Following

For those entrepreneurs looking to get a little inspiration in short, succinct bits, follow these people on Twitter.

Business News

Why So Many Tech Founders Who Are Jerks Become Insanely Rich and Successful

If 'startup DNA' is the idea that the world's best entrepreneurs have some inherent talent they were born with that made them successful, then many also share another characteristic: arrogance.

Social Media

Work Hard and Dream Big: 5 Inspiring Entrepreneurs You Should Follow on Twitter

Here are some of the business owners we love to follow on Twitter. We bet you'll find them inspiring, too.

Business News

29 Seriously Successful Early Risers

From Tim Armstrong to Anna Wintour, here are 29 early-bird leaders and executives.

Social Media

Disney Adds Jack Dorsey to Its Board

The Twitter and Square founder is tapped to help Disney better use technology. Naturally, he responds with a cool tweet.

Social Media

Even Without Profit, Square Said to Be Eyeing IPO Next Year

With Twitter's IPO, this year and next are shaping up to be epic for co-founder Jack Dorsey -- and for his wallet.

Social Media

Twitter IPO Deserves the Hype, If Not the Investment

Twitter is the poster child for entrepreneurial determination and free-market opportunities. Believe that hype.