Job Seeking: Page 2

Growing a Business

Why Skills Shouldn't Be Just a P.S. on a Resume

The most important part of someone's resume is no longer education, or even experience.

Growth Strategies

Getting Your Resume Right is an Art. #5 Must Dos for Every Job Aspirant

Not a story, a job seeker needs to draft his career summary and skills to land that one life-changing opportunity

Resumes & Interviewing

Must-Know Job Interview Tips for 2018 and Beyond

Ditch your resume objectives, take a personality quiz and more advice for interviewing this year.

Business News

Tips for Finding a Job in the Hidden Job Market

By following these suggestions, people in transition will not only speed up the job search process but also increase their chances of landing a job exponentially.

Social Media

Looking for Job via LinkedIn? Try these 4 Tips that Will Help Your Profile Shortlist

LinkedIn is among the top portals for job hunters

Growth Strategies

How Startups Can Optimize Online Job Postings

We are sharing the exact tricks to attract talented people online for various vacancies in your company

Making a Change

Not Enough Experience on Your Resume? Rise Above 'Requirements'

Only a unicorn ticks every box of a recruiter's job description. Skills and experience aren't all acquired only at work. You are more than a mere list of your employers and what you did for them. When in doubt, apply anyway.

Business News

What You Need to Know About Looking for a Job in 2018

From when to send your application to the most lucrative locales in the country.

Growing a Business

10 Tips for Writing Cold Emails That Will Land Your Next Big Job

Persistence, creativity and analysis are keys to success in a job and when trying to get a job.

Growing a Business

3 Keys to Getting a Job In a Competitive Industry

No job is impossible to get when you have the right mindset.

Growing a Business

6 Ways to Make Sure Your Resume Gets Read

Advance to the interview round by sidestepping common mistakes with not-so-common solutions.

Starting a Business

The Similarities Between Looking for a Job and Starting Up

A lot of research, identify the need or a problem, align the skill sets and then develop the product to suit the market

News and Trends

Top #5 Challenges Faced by Candidates During Interviews

Relevant interview preparation can provide guidance on how to proceed to mould and shape your career

Growing a Business

Science Warns Don't Do These 6 Things If You Want to Get Hired

Neglecting to prepare for the job interview will very likely mean failure to get the job.

Business News

6 Logical Tips to Finding a Job

People feel good when asked to come in and interview, because they think the interview is about them. In fact, it is not.