JOBS Act: Page 2
Raising Millions With Equity Crowdfunding Will Cost You, But How Much?
Regulation A+ promises to be a game changer for how emerging companies are funded, but mind those attorney and accountant fees.
Regulation A+ Is Not the Savior of Cash-Seeking Startups
A company really needs to be ready -- preferably venture backed and generating substantive revenue -- before considering this option.
6 Things You Should Do Now If You Want to Raise Funds With Regulation A+
Prepare your company to accept money from the tens of millions of potential investors in "the crowd" that were previously off-limits.
SEC: Startups Can Now Raise $50 Million in 'Mini IPO'
Previously, companies were allowed to raise up to $5 million.
Déjà Vu 2012: A Zombie-Frankenstein JOBS Act 2.0 Is in the Works
President Obama signed a law more than two years ago expanding access to crowdfunding. The idea was almost universally popular in Washington, a rarity in and of itself, but codifying a plan for how to implement and regulate this new arm of crowdfunding has proven to be an epic challenge.
People Invest in People -- an Overlooked Aspect of Private Investing
Online capital raising still involves the core tenet of trust and a serious focus on what the entrepreneur is trying to build with a startup.
SEC Delays Equity Crowdfunding Piece of JOBS Act for Another Year
Provision would allow entrepreneurs and small businesses to raise funds from the general public.
Will the SEC Redefine Who Can Be an 'Accredited Investor'?
If the government loosened up restrictions, more money could be freely distributed to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
How to Invest for Equity in a Startup
Anyone interested in a stake in a new business should be aware of these 10 issues.
Want to Make Equity Crowdfunding Legal? 3 Experts Sound Off.
The government is sitting on a proposed bill that will open up new sources of financing for entrepreneurs everywhere.
Our Progress Report on the JOBS Act
Two years after President Obama signed the act into law, we lay out the good and the bad.
Potential Game Changer for Funding Awaits Final Approval From SEC
Provision of JOBS Act could change how businesses raise capital. But it faces regulations that could make it useless.
Letting Investors Know About Your New Venture
Our expert explains how to publicly reach out to investors within the parameters of the JOBS Act.
Why Oculus Didn't Betray Backers With $2B Facebook Buyout
Recent editorials show that the difference between rewards-based and equity crowdfunding is misunderstood.
Steve Case: JOBS Act Is Working, But D.C. Still Needs to Do More for Entrepreneurs
AOL co-founder Steve Case shares his views on the hits and misses of the two-year-old JOBS Act.