Layoffs: Page 9

News and Trends

What's Wrong With India's Booming Edtech Industry

From getting flooded with consumers complaints to experiencing capital crunch, how the flourishing edtech industry is increasingly seeing fault lines

News and Trends

Handing out the Pink Slip: What's the most cautious approach to mass layoffs?

Entrepreneur gets in touch with people leaders to understand the most humane ways to tackle layoffs

Business News

Netflix Announces More Layoffs

Netflix announced it will cut about 3% of its workforce -- for the second time this year. How is the streaming giant planning to recover?

News and Trends

CityMall Lays Off 191 Employees, Three Months After Raising $75 Million

The platform aims to help the new-to Internet users realize the power of Internet and e-commerce

News and Trends

Layoffs are Happening Not Just in India, But Across the Globe

209 tech startups worldwide have announced layoffs since the beginning of 2022, says a crowdsourced database of tech layoffs

Business News

'I'll Spend The Rest of My Life Wondering How I Could've Avoided These Layoffs': Real Estate Firms Attempt Damage Control

As the housing market slows, Redfin and Compass have decided to trim their workforces, making cuts of 8% and 10%, respectively.

Business News

Coinbase CEO Says 'I Am Sorry' in Memo Laying Off Over 1,000 Employees

Amid economic turmoil, the company laid off 18% of its staff and extended a hiring pause.

News and Trends

Edtech Startup Udayy Shuts Down, Lays Off All Employees

The platform has conducted more than 130,000 classes with over 200 qualified teachers and 50,000 students used its services

Business News

Carvana to Lay Off 12% of Its Workforce, Ignites 'Mass Hysteria'

The automotive retailer Carvana Co. announced it will be laying off over 2,000 workers, about 12% of its workforce, in efforts to align expenses with sales.

Business News

Peloton Shares Rise After CEO Writes the Company is Considering Layoffs: 'We Now Need to Evaluate Our Organization Structure and Size of our Team'

In a memo, Peloton CEO John Foley wrote that the company has 'experienced leaks containing confidential information' following reports it was halting production.

Business News

Nearly 2,000 Workers Will Be Laid Off After QVC Distribution Center Catches Fire

Terminations are expected to begin in February.


Leading With Empathy Is the Best Way to Avoid a PR Crisis

The recent PR crisis for is a lesson for all of us on the importance of empathy in leadership.

Business News

CEO Lays off 900 Employees in Shocking Video Call has let go of 9% of its workforce.

Business News

When Minimizing Was the Only Option

Sometimes we need the hard times to show us what the good times look like.


He Asked His Team How to Avoid Layoffs. Their Response Thrilled Him.

Before making a tough decision that impacts your team's future, Gravity Payments CEO Dan Price has a simple suggestion: Ask them for advice. It worked for him.