Lessons: Page 2

Thought Leaders

What Carl Sagan Teaches Entrepreneurs About Chance — and How to Handle "Cold Streaks" in Business

In business, we must adhere to the laws of probability and keep flipping that coin. Here's why.


3 Lessons I've Learned After 5 Years Leading a Public Company

Simplicity equates to clarity, and in the corporate world, clarity is key to producing results.

Growing a Business

How to Make Powerful Business Decisions Without Guilt, Shame or Regret

Feeling stuck between various options, not sure what to do? Read on.

Thought Leaders

Adopt The Winning Habits of Elite Sports Stars to Unlock Entrepreneurial Greatness

The traits acquired by elite athletes are strikingly similar to those acquired by the most successful entrepreneurs in the world.

Thought Leaders

7 Things I've Learned In 7 Years of Entrepreneurship

After my dad died nine days after his cancer diagnosis, I started my business a few weeks later because I realized life is short. Here is what I have learned over the last seven years of entrepreneurship.


I'm a Blind CEO — Here Are 3 Lessons I've Learned About Finding Alternative Ways to Be Your Most Productive Self.

Through my vision loss, I've learned a lot of lessons about the importance of staying proactive as a CEO. Here are some lessons I've learned to find new ways to grow your business.

Growing a Business

Think You Screwed Up? These 6 Business Leaders Share Their Big Mistake — and Lesson Learned

Too often, we think a leader has to be right. But these businesses transformed when their leaders realized they'd had it wrong all along.

Science & Technology

I Transformed My Company Through AI 15 Years Ago — Here's What I've Learned

I run one of the world's largest language service provider companies. Fifteen years ago, I made the decision to completely change the DNA of my company to embrace automation and artificial intelligence. Here's what I've learned about adopting AI into your company.

Growth Strategies

4 Lessons from Barbie's Mattel

The idea that the most popular Hollywood star is a sixty-four-year-old lady playing the role of a 19 year old girl, just proves that the world of cinema is unpredictable to say the least.

Growing a Business

I Started My Business In My Mom's Basement at the Age of 17. Here are 5 Rules I Wish I Had Known, But Had to Learn the Hard Way

There is no easy way to break this to you, but you are the least important person in your business!

Thought Leaders

I Pitched 300 People a Day For 1 Year — and Learned This Impactful Entrepreneurial Lesson

After working myself to the bone pitching 300 people each day for one year, I came out of that experience as a new man — but surprisingly, an unhappier one. Here's what I learned.

Growing a Business

The 3 Greatest Lessons I've Learned After 25 Years in Business and $100 Million in Revenue

Here are the three most valuable lessons I've learned over 25 years of business ups and downs.


3 Important Lessons I've Learned Working With the Top 1% of Business Leaders

Fewer than 1% of businesses earn $10 million in annual revenue. It's worth looking at three things I've learned by working with those business leaders.


5 Lessons I Learned While Serving in the Army That Actually Translate to Corporate Life

Since serving in Afghanistan, I've had time to reflect on what I learned about leadership during my eight years in the infantry. Many battlefield lessons are irrelevant or counterproductive to business, but here are a few that have proved invaluable.