Long Hours

Starting a Business

The Case for 14-Hour Workdays — Why New Entrepreneurs Should Embrace the Hustle Before Seeking Work-Life Balance

Wondering how to balance your time as a new entrepreneur? Here's when long workdays can make sense — and when to scale back.

Health & Wellness

Don't Let Entrepreneurship Push You Over The Edge

The stresses and challenges of startup culture can burn you out and bend your frame of reference. Get ahead of the curve by making mental health a top priority and putting strategies in place.


Why Working Overtime Is Never A Good Idea

Putting in that overtime might get you in your boss' good books, but your body won't thank you


8 Ways to Work Smarter and Improve Productivity

Get more done without working more hours.


My Career in Silicon Valley Taught Me the Futility of 80-Hour Work Weeks

The much-maligned 40-hour work week is actually a pretty good way to work for the long term.


Studies Show Working Overtime Is Basically Pointless

Opportunity does sleep, and it also takes needed breaks.

Business News

An Obituary for the 40-Hour Workweek

Satirically we mourn the death of a venerable American institution and ponder those who are happy it is no more.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Working Hard Is Not the Same as Working Smart

The number of hours an employee works in a day does not equal how effective they are.


Working More Hours Leads to Burnout, Not More Productivity

Working fewer hours improves your productivity by allowing you to experience that part of your existence knows as 'your life.'

Thought Leaders

Working 80 Hours a Week is Not Actually What Leads to Success

If you're always working 10-hour days, somebody needs to explain 'diminishing returns' to you.

Thought Leaders

Here's What I Learned When I Quit My Own Business

Just when you think you have it all figured out, you learn that you don't.

Thought Leaders

The 2,000-Hour Question

How many hours do most entrepreneurs really work?

Business News

Japan Seeing Record Number of Cases of People Working Themselves to Death

Japan has no legal limits on working hours, and people are dying either from cardiovascular disease or suicide due to work-related stress.

Thought Leaders

Those 12-Hour Days Are Killing You Without Helping Your Business

Entrepreneurs enjoy bragging about their marathon days but they are not exempt from the law of diminishing returns.

Growing a Business

Your Workplace Stress Is Killing You

According to a new study, our offices may be chipping years off our lives.