Managing Employees: Page 6


Your Definition of Leadership Is Outdated — Here's How to Be a Better Leader in the Modern Workplace

In my nearly thirty years as a leader, I've focused on setting a clear vision and empowering my team to achieve our goals. We prioritize establishing shared objectives while allowing for flexibility when needed.


My Employees Taught Me These 5 Lessons on Productivity

Entrepreneurs should focus on understanding and catering to individual work patterns and needs rather than enforcing one-size-fits-all productivity methods.

Business News

Why Greece's Six-Day Workweek Might Backfire on Productivity

In the wake of Greece's decision to introduce 6-day working weeks, questions are floating around regarding its true impact on worker productivity and output.


Build These 10 Habits to Become a True Leader (and Not Just a Boss)

This article explores the distinction between being a boss and being a leader, outlining ten key habits that transform mere management into true leadership.

Business Culture

Want Engaged Employees? Act Like a Nanobubble

Nanobubbles revitalized Lake Elsinore by addressing its root problems, offering a metaphor for sustainable employee engagement.


Do You Diminish Your Employees? How to Be a Multiplier and Elevate the People Around You

Great leaders empower their teams by being multipliers, fostering a culture of respect, trust and innovation.


Why Business Owners Should Mix Strategy with Hands-On Involvement

Conventional wisdom says to work on the business, not in the business. That sounds like good advice, but is there more to it? Yes, and finding the balance is key to entrepreneurial success.


The 4 Pillars of Leadership Success

Being a good leader can feel like an abstract goal, but it doesn't have to be. Here are the four pillars that I believe are the foundation of effective, successful leadership.


5 Recruiting Secrets Every Leader Should Follow

If you stand still in recruiting, you are falling behind.


Some Gen Z Employees Lack Enthusiasm About Work For Good Reason. Here's Why — Plus 3 Ways to Start Motivating Them.

Many leaders are still viewing the workplace like a photographer with only one lens, but younger generations grew up with an entirely different worldview.

Business Culture

Don't Be Coy With Your Employees — Here's What Healthy Transparency Looks Like

Organizations need to stop being coy about building relationships with future talent and retaining the talent they already have.

Growth Strategies

Managing A Growing Team: The How-To

As a leader, it's important to understand the difference between power versus influence. When you use influence to lead, you'll build deeper trust and loyalty with your team.

Business Culture

Planning to Undergo a Business Transformation? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

Undergoing a transformation in any business can be challenging, especially for an established company. As a leader, you'll want to ensure the business and, most importantly, your teams are ready to take on the challenge.


How to Identify The Hidden Talents Within Your Team

Learning how to spot and cultivate the best attributes of your team is an essential component of leadership. Here's your guide to do just that.