Marketing Plans: Page 9

Business Ideas

Two Weeks to Startup: Day 1. Finding the Right Fit

If you're really serious about starting a business, our daily guide will help turn your vision into a reality.

Money & Finance

Two Weeks to Startup: Day 3. Calculating Startup Costs

You'll want a good estimate of the cash you need to launch. These tips can help. The third in a 10-part series.


How to Do Market Research--The Basics

Is your business a product in search of a customer? Use these tips to create a product or service customers will clamor for.


10 Ways to Stretch Your Marketing Budget

Useful strategies to help you maximize your campaigns and save money.


7 Steps to the Perfect Marketing Plan

Think about who you are, who needs what you do and how to get their attention.


Economic Crises Call for Better Marketing Plans

Waiting for the next crisis to hit means you will have waited too long to revise your business plan.

Business News

Here's the Plan

5 minutes are all you need to create a top-notch marketing plan--and get your business ready for success.


Improve Sales With a Marketing Plan

Need to step up your sales? Create an easy-to-follow marketing plan that'll help you along.


Market Strategies

This section of your business plan is where your hard market research work will pay off.


23 Hours to a Great Marketing Plan

The countdown has started: With these simple steps, you're less than a day away from creating marketing magic.


Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist

Before you begin your market research campaign, use this form to analyze the costs.


Implementation: The Key to Effective Marketing

If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the lottery. Find out why the implementation is the most important stage in your marketing plan.


How Advertising Fits Into Your Marketing Plan

As you plot the course of your business, don't forget to map out promotion as well.