Meta: Page 8

Business News

Meta Unveils Twitter Competitor to Offer People a 'Sanely Run' Platform

The company is in talks with Oprah Winfrey and the Dalai Lama regarding commitments to the app.

Business News

Meta Commands Workers Back to Office, Says It's 'Easier to Build Trust in Person'

Employees will be expected to show up in person three days a week.

News and Trends

Meta VR/MR Announcements: Quest 3 is Coming Later This Year, and a Price Drop in Quest 2

Compared to its predecessor, Quest 2, Quest 3 headset will be sleeker and more comfortable for users with a 40 per cent slimmer optic profile.

News and Trends

Telcos Increases SMS Tariff By 25% For Overseas Tech Firms

As per the report, the firms have urged TRAI to advise telecom operators to levy domestic rates on them as their server is in India and they have an Indian subsidiary, which serves Indian consumers

Business News

Meta Sells Giphy to Shutterstock for $53 Million, Taking a Massive Loss

Meta acquired Giphy for $315 million in 2020.


Meta remata Giphy y la vende por $53 millones de dólares

En su momento Meta compró Giphy por $400 millones de dólares; ahora la ha vendido en $53.


Meta presenta AI Sandbox la herramienta que promete hacerle la vida más sencilla a sus clientes

La empresa está por liberar una serie de herramientas de inteligencia artificial que deja claro que Mark Zuckerberg no se quiere quedar atrás.

Business News

Meta Slammed With $1.3 Billion Fine For Violating EU Privacy Policy

The company intends to appeal the ruling, including the "unjustified and unnecessary fine."

News and Trends

Meta Reveals Its Plans To Reimagine the AI Infrastructure

This includes first generation custom silicon chip for running AI models, a new AI-optimized data center design and the second phase of their 16,000 GPU supercomputer for AI research


La persistencia de Mark Zuckerberg por el metaverso y otras 4 noticias destacadas de la semana

Desde las declaraciones de Mark Zuckerberg en torno a su metaverso hasta consejos para ser un mejor orador. Estas son las notas más destacadas de Entrepreneur en Español durante la primera semana de mayo de 2023.

Business News

RIP Metaverse

The Metaverse, Zuckerberg's tech obsession, is officially dead. ChatGPT killed it.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

The Metaverse Has Definitely Lost Steam — But Is It Dead?

An investment in the Metaverse is only as valuable as the demand for the technologies involved.

Business News

FTC Says Facebook Violated 2020 Privacy Order, Proposes More Protections for Teens and Children

This is the third instance wherein the FTC says Facebook allegedly failed to protect user privacy.


¿Se desmorona o persiste el proyecto del Metaverso de Meta de Mark Zuckerberg?

Meta sigue creyendo que el Metaverso es importante para su futuro, pero está centrando sus esfuerzos en proyectos con mayor retorno de inversión. ¿Es esto el reflejo de una falta de estructura en su estrategia?


Conoce LLaMA, el modelo de inteligencia artificial desarrollado por Meta

Con LLaMA, Meta busca competir de manera frontal con sistemas que ya están en el mercado, como ChatGPT.