
News and Trends

Redefining Museums with AI & New-Age Tech

Imagine if those old manuscripts and artifacts could talk to visitors at the museum. They could answer questions and even tailor their responses based on the visitor's age, engaging them with relevant queries in return


A cocktail of artsy and gutsy

Entrepreneurial and artistic since a young age, Aparajita founded the Saat Saath Arts Foundation in 2010, a non-profit meant to curate a platform that allows creative dialogue between Indian artists and the international art world.

Business News

A Stolen Van Gogh Masterpiece Was Just Returned by an Anonymous Tipster—In an Ikea Bag

A masked individual broke into the Singer Laren, a museum in the Netherlands, in March 2020 and made off with the now-returned Van Gogh.


Why You Must Understand Visual Literacy to Help Your Brand Grow

Visual literacy can be a powerful tool for an entrepreneur looking to develop their brand. But what exactly does the term mean and how can one become visually literate?

Business News

Minnesota Man Charged in 2005 Theft of Judy Garland's Iconic 'Wizard of Oz' Ruby Slippers, Shoes Now Worth 250% More

The ruby slippers were first found during an FBI sting operation in 2018.

Business News

A Museum Is Offering $25,000 to Find the Meteorite That Just Struck Earth

Calling all meteor hunters—a flying fireball landed in Maine that could contain valuable information about the solar system.

Business News

Environmental Protestors Spray Paint Energy Company's Logo on Valuable Museum Painting

The Australian vandals were responding to the alleged destruction of Indigenous art by a major oil and gas company.

Business News

The Vatican prepares a gallery in the metaverse with NFT's

The virtual exhibition will allow users to immersively enjoy the vast art collection of the world's smallest independent sovereign state.

Business News

The Dolores Olmedo Museum will move out to "Parque Urbano Aztlán" in the heart of Chapultepec

Seeking closeness with people, the collection will occupy a space in the ambitious project in the heart of Mexico City.

Science & Technology

Mona Lisa Overdrive: Art Collides With Digital Technology

An insurgency of digital art, whether musical or visual or both, invades traditional art museums and your phone, too.

News and Trends

A Sneak Peek into the World's First Digital Art Museum

No paintings, no sculptures! Tokyo has unveiled the world's first all-digital museum which is adorned with artworks using projection-mapping technology


This Museum Is Dedicated to Failures

Finally, exhibits we can all relate to.

Growing a Business

McDonald's Preserves Ancient Roman Road Beneath Its New Restaurant

The company has created its first-ever 'restaurant museum.'

Business News

Los Angeles Wins Bid for Lucas Museum

The gallery will be surrounded by museums in LA's Exposition Park.

Business News

Nostalgic for Old Viruses? The Malware Museum Has You Covered.

It's perfect if you have a hankering to relive the feeling of seeing '80s and '90s malware, but without the panic they might have caused at the time.