NBA: Page 5

Resumes & Interviewing

When Hiring, Take a Cue From the NBA and Look for Performance and Character

Billion-dollar sports franchises conduct in-depth background checks and administer personality profiles for possible draft picks. Here are eight things they look for.

Business News

Steve Ballmer's Next 'Window' of Opportunity: L.A. Clippers Owner

If the $2 billion deal is approved by the NBA, it would mark a brand new chapter for the former Microsoft CEO.


What Donald Sterling's NBA Blowup Teaches Entrepreneurs

The Los Angeles Clippers owner was banned for life from the organization after recorded racist remarks surfaced.

Health & Wellness

Nothing But Net: Oprah Eyeing Bid for the LA Clippers

If the NBA board of governors votes that Donald Sterling must sell the Clippers following his leaked racial tirade, none other than Oprah herself is poised to make a play.


Turning Jocks Into Franchise Owners

A new program aims to help professional athletes tackle the franchise world when they retire from sports.

Business Ideas

NBA Great Charles Barkley to Give Tech Startup $25K

Barkley's business-plan contest award to help one lucky business owner 'get into the game.'

Business News

Making Magic

His basketball days behind him, superstar Magic Johnson is now busy scoring points in the world of business. Here's what he thinks, what he wants...and how he's going to get it.