Negative thoughts: Page 2

Health & Wellness

4 Personal Cornerstones of Successful Entrepreneurship

Habits rule us, guiding us through life. Instituting helpful ones puts us on an upward trajectory, even when we're on autopilot.


How to Deal With Office Politics

Does someone go out of their way to make your life hell? Here's how to deal with them

Thought Leaders

7 Self-Defeating Psychological Habits That Stymie Success

Until you persuade yourself that you have what it takes, nobody else is going to believe you do.

Thought Leaders

5 Toxic Doubts Entrepreneurs Have to Get Out of Their Heads

You're already running the gauntlet. Quit telling yourself you're going to trip.

Growing a Business

5 Ways Business Owners Can Slay Fear and Be Bold

Failure seldom stops you. What stops you is the fear of failure.

Thought Leaders

7 Horrible Thoughts That Hinder Success

Nothing will sink you faster in life and in business than self-sabotage.

Thought Leaders

11 Mindsets Learned in Prison Made Me Mentally Unstoppable

A disciplined mind focused on a worthy goal can rise above any circumstance and overcome every obstacle.

Thought Leaders

Why 'Bite Me' Is the Best Response to Naysayers

It's your journey, naysayers be damned.


Being an Entrepreneur Is Stressful But Don't Worry About It

The more we worry about what things beyond our control , the less mental energy we have for what we could do something about. Like building a business.


5 Negative Ways of Thinking You Need to Stop Today

Lighten up the inner dialogue and you'll feel better, plus have a more realistic perspective on your life.


5 Thoughts That Crush Success

Change your self-talk to lead you to triumph in business.

Growing a Business

When Fixating on Mistakes Makes You Slip Up

Coaching someone right before a presentation? Avoid emphasizing the very behaviors to be avoided.