News: Page 10

Business News

Mambacita Sweet 16, the sneakers that commemorate Gigi Bryant, sell out in two minutes

Kobe Bryant's daughter passed away with him in the tragic accident in January 2020. Her mother Vanessa Bryant presented the sneakers that celebrate her life.

Social Media

He's back! Donald Trump uploads his first post to his new social network

You have already developed your social network. It is called Truth Social and the former president is already using it.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Wikipedia will stop accepting donations in cryptocurrency at the request of users

After months of discussion, the platform makes the decision to no longer accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Here we explain their reasons.

Business News

A huge wooden skyscraper is being built in Switzerland

It bears the name of Rocket&Tigeli and will be a 100-meter building built with reinforced wood.

Business News

Victoria's Secret launches store for its beauty products on Amazon

The iconic brand, which previously only sold directly through its stores or e-commerce platform, is exploring new options to reach its potential consumers.

Business News

This tiktoker asks people on the street how much they earn and is becoming a sensation

The questions are part of a project that seeks to raise awareness around the pay gap.

Business News

The billionaire who drove his Bugatti Veyron at more than 257 mph in Germany will not be sanctioned

He achieved the feat driving at dawn on a section of the motorway that runs from Hannover to Berlin.

Business News

Johnson & Johnson will train Mexican students and doctors in the metaverse

The company launches an Innovation Room with state-of-the-art technology that demonstrates the academic use that can be given to immersive viewers that serve to access the metaverse.

Business News

#Rompiendo, TikTok's strategy to promote artists of Latin origin

Every 15 days, the program will present a successful Latin artist who is 'breaking'' it with his music on the platform.

Business News

Twitch plans to cut subscription revenue by 50% and content creators aren't happy

In addition, the platform is looking for ways to incentivize streamers to display more advertising on their streams.

Celebrity Entrepreneurs

A Texas farmer offers Elon Musk 100 acres of land to move Twitter offices from California to Texas

This is Jim Schwertner, a rancher who wants to promote the economic development of the region where his lands are located.

Business News

The Latin platform for influencers presents its new investors: Thalia and Sofia Vergara

In addition to the two artists, among the celebrities who financially support the company are: Juanpa Zurita, Evaluna Montaner, Tommy Mottola and Luis Balaguer.

Social Media

YouTube ad revenue is down, is TikTok to blame?

The company assures that the slowdown of the platform is linked to the global environment with problems in the supply chain, inflation and wars, but does not mention its aggressive competition.

Business News

Andrés Manuel López Obrador asks airlines for help to increase the number of flights to the new airport of México City

The new airport in Mexico City registers little activity. In addition to the limited routes available, getting there is not easy.

Social Media

Celebrity and Politician Profiles Report Massive Loss of Followers After Elon Musk Buys Twitter

The social network has limited itself to declaring that the fluctuation is due to 100% organic factors, that is, the creation and deactivation of new accounts.