Optimism: Page 6
Obama vs. Romney: A Tale of Two Economic Plans
With the Presidential election just around the corner, we break down the candidates' stance on small business, jobs and the economy.
The Power of Business Imagination
Your imagination can help you meet business goals that may seem unrealistic right now.
Why Women Business Owners Feel More Successful
An informal survey released this week suggests that women entrepreneurs are more confident about their business's success than their male counterparts and offers some clues as to why.
How Do Entrepreneurs Stay Positive?
Our Facebook fans let us know how they maintain a happy, healthy outlook.
How to Create a Positive Business Outlook
By learning to work positively, you can redefine your reality -- and your business.
Mixed Messages on Small-Business Optimism
Do varying reports indicate that there is no real consensus on financial outlook?
Is the Economy Getting Worse? Business Owners Say Yes
A new survey shows more than half of small-business owners believe the U.S. economy is backsliding.