Passwords: Page 3

Business News

Facebook Stored Up to 600 Million User Passwords in Plain Text

Facebook engineers built applications that stored unencrypted passwords on internal servers which could be searched by over 20,000 employees.

Business News

'Donald' Makes It on Annual Worst Passwords List

The President's first name came in as the 23rd most frequently used password, behind old favorites such as 'monkey' and 'qwerty.'


Kanye West Unlocked His Phone With the Cameras Rolling, and His Password Is 000000

He should really consider using Face ID, Apple's facial recognition software.

Business News

Facebook Discloses Hack Affecting 50 Million Accounts

The attackers stole Facebook access tokens, which keep you logged in so you don't have to enter your password every time you visit. In total, around 90 million people will have to log back in the next time they try to access the platform.

Science & Technology

Recycled Passwords Are Putting Your Company at Risk

Use the same password for every account? You've captured a hacker's heart.

Science & Technology

Sick of Passwords? Here's How Blockchain Can Help, and Enhance Cybersecurity, to Boot.

The blockchain revolution includes white hat hackers banding together and the promise of no more passwords.

Business News

It's Time to Stop It With the Terrible Passwords

Ahead of World Password Day, a recent PCMag survey of 1,000 U.S. consumers found that many people are still terrible at creating and securing their passwords.

Science & Technology

Passwords Are Scarily Insecure. Here Are a Few Safer Alternatives.

Here's what comes next to authenticate users and protect networks.

Business News

Here Are the 25 Worst Passwords of 2017

New additions to SplashData's list of 2017's worst passwords are letmein, monkey, 123123, hello, freedom, whatever and trustno1.

Science & Technology

Is Your Business Prepared for a Cyber Attack? (Infographic)

Half of all cyber attacks happen to small businesses.

Data & Recovery

The Simple Trick to Making an Easy-to-Remember and Nearly Impossible-to-Hack Password

Use this method used by Navy SEALs to shut down attacks on your private accounts.

Business News

You Might Not Need Complex, Alphanumeric Passwords After All

NIST now recommends using long passphrases instead of complicated alphanumeric passwords, and only refreshing them if they've been breached.

Science & Technology

Are Your Password Security Habits Improving? (Infographic)

Online privacy is a major concern today.