Patience: Page 4

Making a Change

The Many Ways Being Kind Leads to Success

The positive thinking necessary to overcome adversity comes far more easily to people who are intentionally generous and kind.

Social Media

It Took This Man 6 Months and $1,500 to Make a Chicken Sandwich From Scratch (VIDEO)

How did it taste? 'Like a corkboard dipped in lemon juice.'


8 Ways Practicing Patience Radically Increases Your Capacity for Success

We're told from an early age that being patient is a virtue, but we're rarely taught how to practice it.

Thought Leaders

5 Self-Sabotaging Mindsets That Undermine Entrepreneurs

It's hard taking an idea to a functioning, profitable business. Doubt, impatience and negative thinking can make it impossible.


3 Occasions Where Patience Is Key

There are those people that can't seem to wait for anything, and on the surface, seem to get an insane amount done. But there's a hidden strategy below the surface.

Thought Leaders

Don't Waste Your Focus on Things You Can't Control

Some pro golfers complained that this year's U.S. Open course was too hard. They should have focused on playing better.


15 Traits of Emotionally Wealthy People

Happiness and serenity result from conscious living, not just the luck of our circumstances.

Starting a Business

Why the Second Time Isn't So Easy Either

Even when your first business thrived, there's no guarantee the second one will enjoy the same success. But the work is worth it.


The 4 Qualities of the Successful Elite

The most accomplished people, in any field, share certain characteristics that each of us can cultivate for our own journey.

Thought Leaders

The 3 Traits Marathons and Startups Have in Common

To succeed at both, you have to have a will to win and follow these three P's.

Thought Leaders

To Achieve Your Best Results, Put on Blinders

We are all performers and we have to get to the point where we just run our race against no one but ourselves.

Business News

Too Busy to Think? You May Suffer From 'Hurry Sickness'

The ailment is hazardous to both your health and your career, says a B-school prof.

Thought Leaders

7 Ways to Keep Your Dream Alive When the Going Gets Tough

The biggest barriers to success often are mental.

Thought Leaders

Know How Much Risk You Can Stomach Before Launching Your Own Business

The first step on the road to success is realizing that failure is a very real possibility, no matter how smart and hard working you are.


An Entrepreneur's Guide to Dealing With Downtime

Anyone launching a startup must to learn to play the "hurry up and wait" game quite often.