Payments and Collections: Page 2

Money & Finance

25 Payment Tools for Small Businesses, Freelancers and Startups

Getting paid is pretty important. Expanding payment options for your business can help make it happen.

Growing a Business

Don't Bother Tackling These 5 Business Functions Yourself

Every business involves tedious but indispensable tasks. Those are the ones it's best to outsource.

Debt / Loans / Refinancing

How to Talk to Customers in Default the Right Way

Yes, you can collect debt, protect your brand, get ahead -- and still get paid.

News and Trends

This Indian has the Key for Tesla to Arrive on India's Roads . 4 Things to Know Today

Stay tuned to get every day updates in 60 seconds.

Money & Finance

To Sell More, Make It Easier and Safer for People to Purchase From You

Less than half of small businesses operate an ecommerce website, and few of those offer the purchase and payment features shoppers have come to expect.

Money & Finance

It's OK Entrepreneurs Still Pay by Check but They Need to Stop Mailing Them

Checks remain the main way one business pays another. Echecks are the logical way to make a workable system work better.

Operations & Logistics

5 Cash Management Tactics Small Businesses Use to Become Bigger Businesses

Reaching your highest potential as a business owner depends on maintaining positive cash flow.

Money & Finance

Trying to Maximize Holiday Profits? A New Survey Reports on the Challenges SMBs Like Yours Face.

The most common pain point among SMB owners at year's end? Twenty-one percent said late payments.

Operations & Logistics

6 Hacks for Getting Clients to Pay You Faster

Almost everybody pays eventually but almost nobody pays sooner than they have to. That's a problem.

Growing a Business

8 Tips for Setting Up a Killer Invoicing System That Always Gets You Paid

A polite but insistent invoicing systems gets you paid sooner and with less hassle.

Thought Leaders

5 Ways Smarter Invoicing Can 10x Your Business Cash Flow in Weeks

Getting the gig means little until you're paid.

Business Ideas

9 Crucial Tips to Protect Your Small Business From Credit Card Fraud

Vigilance and readily available security tools can keep fraud losses to a minimum.

Growing a Business

Latch Onto These 10 Business Trends to Boost Your Growth Rate

Working smarter means finding new efficiencies, respecting your team's time and reducing interruptions that distract you from your goals.

Money & Finance

9 Things to Look for in a Payment Gateway

Don't go with the first payment gateway you happen across. Instead, take your time, and pay careful attention.


#4 Cases Of Thinking Through The Experience Design

In a way, a great product is a derivation of a great experience. And that's the holy grail for design thinking that has become ubiquitous today.