PayPal: Page 7

Data & Recovery

Here's Why You Need to Change Your eBay Password Right Now

The world's biggest online marketplace has been hacked. Those weird warning messages weren't a false alarm.

Science & Technology

Google to Accept PayPal Payments in the Play Store

The move gives Android users another option besides Google's own Wallet service to make mobile purchases.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

BitPay Raises Record $30 Million in Series A Funding, Biggest in Bitcoin Industry Yet

The Atlanta Bitcoin payments pioneer closes a record-breaking funding round from billionaire Richard Branson, Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang, PayPal's Peter Thiel, Index Ventures and other all-star investors.

Operations & Logistics

Twitter Train Wreck: Why We Can't Turn Away From PayPal Exec's Shocking Meltdown

While a riveted audience gawks on, PayPal has responded to the Twitter tirade of former employee Rakesh Agrawal, calling his meltdown 'tasteless' and 'worrisome.'

Social Media

Report: Facebook Is About to Enter the E-Money Game

The social giant is gearing up to give PayPal a run for their money.

Business News

Alibaba Could Be the Biggest IPO Ever -- But What the Heck Is It?

On the heels of its IPO announcement, we break down the rapidly swelling internet conglomerate that has been called, alternately, the eBay, Amazon and PayPal of China.


PayPal Revises Policies to Become More Crowdfunding Friendly

PayPal and the crowdfunding community have clashed in the past, but the payments company is turning over a new leaf.

Science & Technology

Expansion of PayPal Startup Program Shows Landscape Heating Up

Through a program to aid entrepreneurs, PayPal can identify the latest hit before it's a household name.


13 Big-Time Business Leaders Share the Best Advice They Ever Got

Some of the world's top thinkers share the advice that led them towards their success today.

Business News

Icahn Blasts eBay Board Members' Conduct in Open Letter

The billionaire investor says Marc Andreessen and Scott Cook have both acted in their own interest at the expense of the company's shareholders.


Bad Karma? PayPal President Reports Stolen Credit Card

Just weeks after a claim that PayPal compromised the credit-card data of one of its users, the company's president claimed his card got skimmed.

Science & Technology

PayPal Is Cracking Down on Bitcoin Sellers

Within the Bitcoin community, there are recent reports of a 'massive banning campaign' by PayPal against merchants selling anything related to the cryptocurrency.

Growing a Business

Report: Amazon Developing Way for Stores to Use Kindle at Checkout

Amazon is reportedly seeking to enter the brick-and-mortar retail realm by repurposing its famed Kindles into a checkout system for smaller businesses.

Science & Technology

Why Businesses Will Like PayPal's Updated Checkout Process

The payment processing company has moved to a simpler 'in-context' checkout system.


This New Technology Will Let You Make Purchases Directly From Your TV

A service announced at CES this year allows you to buy items from advertisements using your television remote.