Is This Common Habit Holding You Back? Here's How to Tell — and What to Do About It.
Entrepreneurs often fail to move forward because they're stifled by perfectionism.
Focusing on Your Perfect Business Plan Actually Holds You Back
When you are starting a business, progress is of the utmost importance.
Does Making Simple Decisions Feel Overwhelming? Here's How to Regain Control.
Entrepreneurs often feel like they have to do it all, but saying yes to everything does more harm than good.
Are Your High Standards Actually Embarrassingly Low?
Refusing to show weakness isn't necessarily a sign of strength.
5 Valuable Lessons I Learned Growing My Company from $0 to a $700 Million Valuation
How to set your business up for success as painlessly as possible.
Perfection Not Required
While businesses must constantly evolve, the pursuit of perfection is the enemy of progress.
Mental Illness: The Silent Destroyer
Entrepreneurship demands so much, it can be easy to lose ourselves as we chase success.
Finish the Year Strong to Carry Momentum Into 2019
Survey your accomplishments now, and reassess your goals, to conclude this year in kinetic alignment with where you want to go next.
Why You Can't Be a Perfectionist and Be an Entrepreneur
When combining the traits and expectations of a perfectionist with the stresses and processes of being an entrepreneur, it's not a good mix.
'Good Enough' Is Fine for Getting Started but It's Not a Worthy Goal
Entrepreneurs can afford neither perfectionism nor complacency.
These 2 Questions Will Help You Recognize When 'Good Enough' Really Is
Confident people strive for excellence. Insecure people fixate on perfection.
Wonder Women Focus on Progress, Not Perfection
Leading disruption is a never-ending and iterative journey. You can't move forward if you keep waiting for perfection.
Entrepreneurs, Here's How to Permanently Kick Your Perfectionism to the Curb
For far too many struggling entrepreneurs, the pursuit of perfection is what ultimately does them in.
#8 Tips On How Women Entrepreneurs Can Achieve Better Work Life Balance
As an entrepreneur, there is no defined scope of responsibility and it is quite easy to be consumed by it
You Don't Need to Be Perfect
As John Steinbeck once said, 'And now that you don't have to be perfect, you can be good.'