Personality: Page 10

Thought Leaders

Warren Buffett's Remarkably Simple Mantra for Success

He may be a business sage, but this piece of advice has nothing to do with stocks and investments.


3 Great Ways to Create an Emotional Bond with Customers

Entrepreneurs can try to woo clients by building a relationship and in the process score better sales and repeat business.

Thought Leaders

6 Personality Traits That Can Make You a More Trusted Entrepreneur

No one does business with an untrustworthy person. Without trust, you can't broker deals, close deals, sell stuff, or come out on top.

Resumes & Interviewing

'Hey, F*ck You, Buddy. Now, Hire Me Please!'

Imagine encountering an unnecessarily rude person on your way to work. Then imagine having that very person show up for a job interview that same day. Yeah, it's as awkward as it sounds.

Thought Leaders

Do You Have Entrepreneurial DNA?

Take this quiz and find out!

Health & Wellness

How Unemployment Impacts Your Personality

It partially depends on your gender.

Growing a Business

How Facebook 'Likes' Could Be Used to Make Personality-Based Hiring Decisions

A new study shows that our 'likes' are very good at predicting openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

Business News

Happy People Tend to Have This Personality Trait

But do happy people achieve true entrepreneurial genius?

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Are Your Employees in Danger of Suffering Heartbreak?

It's important to be aware of potential workplace heartbreak that can be and often is caused by unthinking managers.

Operations & Logistics

How to Work With a Narcissist

Tips and tricks for managing relationships with a less-than-ideal personality type.

Business News

Are You a Generalist or Specialist?

How you manage your career depends on whether you are one or the other.

Business Ideas

Not in the Mood to Battle Corporate Customer Service? Get a Jerk to Do It For You.

If you're a jerk looking for work, the former head of Reddit just might have a job for you. Nice guys need not apply.

Business Process

This Sales Secret Can Help You Conquer Aggressive Negotiators

The next time you encounter a buyer or seller who strongly insists on a certain point, pick at it and take advantage.

Health & Wellness

Tony Robbins: 6 Basic Needs That Make Us Tick

Whatever you think your nirvana is, there are universal needs that drive all human behavior. Here's what they are.


9 Blind Spots That Sabotage Businesses, and How to Beat Them

The biggest challenge entrepreneurs may face is either a self-limiting or self-inflated view of their capabilities.